Feel like shiz

Don’t know if it’s anxiety or not.


I feel like a second class citizen, too, but I’m seriously questioning my ability to live on my own, and it sucks!

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Me too, I slipped into a burger coma at 3 pm on my birthday! Woke up an hour ago.


My anxiety is through the roof and it is making me paranoid

Jimbob, do you have sza?

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No sz only I think. I get bad anxiety though

Anything different matey? Stress is a big trigger for me so any difference in my routine can be painful. Keep that sleep to regular levels and it really helps!

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Clocks went forward last night. That might be disturbing me


I hope you feel better. I don’t know if I’ve ever taken a med for anxiety, I’m guessing they exist. Hopefully they aren’t all benzos because doctors don’t like to prescribe those long term.

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Yeah changes in routine suck balls. I do well with routine and I love it! Good for schizophrenics!

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Yeah I think I will just live with the anxiety

Thanks, Jimbob, for replying. I have generalized anxiety disorder with agoraphobia. Do you have gad?

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Pdoc said on Monday I had sz and anxiety. Not sure what anxiety tbh.

Sorry for my one sentence replies not feeling well

Jimbob, no worries. Anxiety is tough to deal with, at times. You can get through this.


I’m really anxious last few days I don’t know what is causing it I can’t put my finger on it
I will just be glad to get to bed

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Feeling any better @anon94176359?

Sorry, I don’t know what time it is where you’re located. I hope my message doesn’t wake you.

Take care.

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Doing a bit better @Montezuma. I had a good sleep that helps. How are you buddy?

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Right on dude. :slight_smile: That’s great to hear.

Oh, I’m doing okay. I made a dumb mistake last night of having three cups of coffee in a row lol.

To say the least, last night was a little rough for me.

I’m feeling a little better now though. :slight_smile:

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Ah a three cup of coffee night. I know them well lol. Sometimes the best cup of coffee is had late on but it certainly doesn’t help sleep

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