Fear of death

Deep inside me, my phobia actually is fear of death.
And I fear of death of loved ones too, because they are supporting me in various ways, either financially or emotionally.
This anxiety keeps me thinking all the times. I still have no way to exit except religious teaching which offers the solution. This is endless cycle, because no one for sure can guarantee a seat in the paradise. Despite being believer for years, the anxiety is been persistent.


me too, the last time i was in hospital i could not tell if i was alive or dead, because i suffered psychosis i too fear the unknown after death, i some times question were im going and my soul, im still searching for answers.

if i knew i was saved it would be a great relieve

It’s not death I fear, but life.

@san_pedro, what makes you question if your saved?

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This seems like the promise that those of us are searching for.

because in psychosis i thought i was in hell a real hell where God abandoned me and didnt love me and i was being puinished for sin. my psychosis was all centered around religion

I am a little surprised to that.

Being psychotic IS being in hell, because it takes everything you know and turns it inside out and upside down, but psychosis isn’t what’s true or a fact.

Why not just keep the belief that you will be saved for certain and not question it?
Worrying about things that haven’t happened isn’t very useful, and you can build a life of misery when the foundation is made of psychotic thinking.

I think those that believe (they will be saved) will be saved when the time comes. God makes it simple, just believe. Religion complicates everything by putting conditions on things according to their needs.


Fear of death is very common. The great majority of us fear it. Personally, I want to die, but I also fear death.

I also have a fear of death, a fear of not existing, a fear of leaving loved ones,
I pray that their is an afterlife
Is this the only life we have
Don’t want to die a painful death
a lonely death
a death at the hand of another
I think in the future an afterlife should be invented to send our souls to
I think that is probable

It is normal to fear something one is not ready for. When the time comes, your will not fear it. You will be ready for death and accept it.

I think being alive is like staying in hotel as guest temporarily. Eventually I have to check out room.

The fear that I initially wrote in Dec '14 still persists until today.

My main fear is fear of death as well. Not even fear of not being there anymore… but fear of what will happen after I die. Fear of a scary hellish afterlife.