Fat is beautiful

When I was obese, I thought no one could love somebody fat. I know better, now. My provider is fat and she is the most beautiful person I have ever known. She proves her love every day.


Fat IS beautiful. I’m not a fan of glorifying a body type but fat people get so.much rap. I’m obese myself. But I know I’m not healthy.


I hope that I some day can look past that. It’s a beautiful attitude to have.


I didn’t feel beautiful when I was fat, I hated it and I was embarrassed and telling myself I was beautiful felt like I was lying to myself. My mom has been fat her whole life, she bought this a long time ago…


I am not judgmental of anyone’s body but my own.

I, personally, don’t like it when I’m fat. I like when I’m working out and eating clean. Makes me feel lean and strong.

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I am trying to be less beautiful.


Nothing wrong with curves but being fat imo is unhealthy.

I’m fat and need to lose weight.

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It’s personal preference. Someone will like any kind of body, no matter the age or health or size. Not liking a body type is valid too. But I don’t think we should try to make obesity a beauty standard. It could be (again), and we could try, but we shouldn’t.

Why not?


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I know fat people who do 5 an 10ks all the time. You can’t judge someone’s health from the outside. Not when there’s thinner people who can’t do it.

Are you trying to bait me?

Because it’s unhealthy. Being comfortable with your body and liking it and showing it is fine. But actively promoting an unhealthy body in beauty magazines or with instagram activism is pretty problematic too. Even though it can help fight fat shaming.

Plenty of so called fat people are just voluptuously gorgeous. Bones are for dogs.

Skinny shaming is just as bad as fat shaming.


Personally, I don’t find obesity very attractive. However I have certainly met some fat people with kind and beautiful personalities.

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:dog: Dogs do like bones you know, and no, my comment was not made in the spirit of mocking the skinny.

It’s not a question of beautiful or not beautiful in my mind. I am 231 lbs and I know that it is not healthy. I am fortunately slowly losing weight from 248.8. No one should be shamed for being obese but, the fact is, it’s not good for your heart, can cause type 2 diabetes among a myriad of other things. It’s just not healthy to be too overweight.


We weigh about the same. I’ve gained about 10 pounds since Thanksgiving. Before that I was around 222. I agree. Obesity is a health problem without a doubt.

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Vintage porn. (It would be hilarious if someone flagged a Rubens picture).

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Body shaming, in general, just ■■■■■■■ sucks. Mind your own business. Nobody needs you to tell them how you “should” be.

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It’s excess belly fat that causes diabetes. I have this issue. All the fat tend to be on my belly area. I’m on olanzapine and it can cause diabetes. I need to start doing something soon that will reverse the belly.