Fast heartbeat and then normal

I’m sitting normally without anxiety and then suddenly i get this pounding heartbeat for 2 secs and then it goes normal. It beats so fast that i can feel it in my chest.

How do we fix this ? How about taking a beta blocker ?

I’m on:
clozapine 200mg
clobazam 10mg
paroxetine 37.5mg

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Get medical help. Don’t mess around with heart stuff so you need to rule out underlying issues.

Anxiety can do strange things to perception and the heart but I’d still seek help. At least see a normal gp which you can do quickly. Sort it out!

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I had 140 heartbeats and cardiologist gave me a pill for that. My meds have tachycardia as a side effect

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Which pill ?

I am from Greece, I don’t think we have the same meds

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Just curious what med u take

I had a fast heartbeat a couple of times on risperidone.
She just lowered the dose a bit.

I would tell your doctors as soon as possible.
You don’t want to mess with your heart.


I have that as well. In Dec I’m being sent for a stress test to make sure there is no damage to my heart. I’m also taking a baby aspirin every day as prescribed by the doctor

I would definitely talk to your doctor about it. No one here is qualified to help you and your heart health is serious business.

Hey i have hyperthyroid and i read the other day that thats a symptom but probably is a symptom of other things but its one idea. Do you have schizoaffective?