My heartbeat is above 100 all the time. Today it was 150
Tell the group home staff. They can check you out. It might be anxiety, or it could be something else
They know but don’t care
Maybe they’re assuming it’s anxiety. When do you see your primary dr next?
I don’t know. Do u mean a psychiatrist?
Yes actually antipsychotics can causebrapid heart rate
What should I do about it?
Tell your dr and see what they think. Idk. I jsut ignore mine
I’m worried there’s something wrong with my heart
Thats why you tell your dr. I had my heart checked out and its fine, you should do the same
My heart races on risperidone. But when I take Abilify it goes away for about 9 months. So I take micro dose Abilify every 9 months.
I’m on clozapine and abilify injection
Again, we are not doctors and cannot diagnose. Please see your primary care doctor.
When I was on high dose Abilify I would get paranoid and anxious. But small dose does the trick.
I think they over Medicate schizophrenics.
I think your over medicated.
I don’t have one
I only have a psychiatrist
I find it hard to believe a group home for minors has no health care. Especially in a country with public healthcare.
It doesn’t have one from what I know
Only a psychiatrist that visits every 1 month
Either way, we aren’t doctors. Stop asking us for diagnoses.