Super fast heart rate

I was lying down on the bed on my side, I started feeling my heart race.
I got up and it was pounding fast!

I took my pulse with an oximeter and my heart rate was around 220!

I took some Klonopin hoping it would help slow down my heart rate.

After half an hour my heart rate became more normal.

Felt like I was having a heart attack!

I know that Risperdal can cause tachycardia.

I might call my psychiatrist up later.

This was not normal.

Very scary!


Yes, definitely get some medical advice. Good job you had some Klonopin.


A heart rate of 220bpm while at rest is extremely concerning. You should have your heart checked out. I can’t even achieve a heart rate of 190bpm let alone 220bpm and that is running at my utmost hardest.


For some reason if I drink 2 much water my heartbeat goes up.

I try to stay minimally hydrated tho.

Sorry to hear your troubles @Wave

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Could be atrial fibrillation. See a doctor right away.


Thanks @everhopeful @yinyang @anon57786250 @shutterbug

I’m going to call my family doctor now.

See what he instructs me to do.


A few days ago I was taking my pulse and it would miss a beat about every 4 or 5 beats. I was worried about it, and I told my doctor, but he didn’t think it was anything serious. It probably had something to do with the prodigious amounts of sugar I had been consuming.

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I’m feeling a bit better but I called my family doctor anyway but the office was closed.

I also left a message with my psychiatrist.

I’m waiting for a response.

I’m on a new generic beta blocker which could be the issue or it could be the increased amounts of coffee I’ve been drinking lately.

Or it could be because I’m averaging 4 hours of sleep a night.

Or it could be the Risperdal.

I don’t know why my heart rate was so high.

I was seconds away from calling an ambulance.

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Oh dear, I hope it was just a single episode… me, I had high pulse from the sz before, from stress…
But you should check with your doc, yeap. It could be the new beta blocker…
Klonopin helps my heart rate too in fact, but we are getting old and maybe we should watch for other causes…
I hope you’ll be well, you are one of my friends here ya know :relaxed:


Yeah I’ll get it checked out.
Thanks @Anna1

sometimes I scare myself into a high heart rate when I think it’s beating fast…I think you might have done that…there might be a problem but probably not…aren’t you in your thirties?

I have POTS and the treatment for it is usually beta blockers because they help your heart rate stay low. I’m more concerned that you’re on them and it still got that high. I would go to urgent care if you’re able.


o god hope he save you from any danger
me too i think i hv kidney issue i tried online diagnosis website then get medication
i hope i ll be better soon
wish u be fine too :brown_heart::brown_heart::heart::heart:

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Ha… I’m close to your age @jukebox
I’m 56 going to be 57 in June.

I finally got in touch with my family doctors office.

They said to keep an eye on things and if it happens again to contact the doctor.

They agree with both my psychiatrist and therapist that it could be lack of sleep and high caffeine consumption.

I’m cutting back on the amount of coffee and I plan on sleeping more.

It could also be the new generics of my beta blocker that isn’t working as well as the brand name that I was on for years.

I may have to switch back to the brand name at some point.

I have a feeling it’s a combination of stress/excessive caffeine consumption and my new generic beta blocker not working as well.

If it happens one more time I’ll get in touch with the family doctor.

I’ve taking a few readings recently and they were normal.


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