I still hate it… ive unfollowed 99% of my “friends”… its just dumb drama… i have found some groups i like… so my feed is made up of viking stuff…beard care… plant identifications…rick and morty and more metal than you can shake an axe at… so that part is ok… but dam…the actual people suck…
That is all… see @shutterbug for your complementary tshirt and mug…
Oh also ive been so busy havent had much internet time…i hope everyone is doing well and i miss you guys/gals/potatoes…
If I unfollowed 99% of my friends on Facebook I’d only have .15 friends left or so lol. I haven’t even signed on in 2 weeks. I hate the ppl I have friends on Facebook. Their shallow sides really show on Facebook it’s scary. Most my non shallow friends either aren’t on Facebook or don’t make 98 posts a day like these 2 women I’ve friends with.
I almost only use Facebook to send private messages to friends of to chat with them. I really rarely post something… Maybe 10 times a year. I usually post something like a song I like or some photos of nice places I went. And I only post something when I think that people will find my post interesting.
I got rid of 200 so called friends over the past couple days, It kept letting me do so many before it started acting weird. It took quite awhile to do actually. But now all the people on there are people I actually know. I have about 200 friends left.