Facebook is a nightmare when you have sza

People unfriend me because occasionally I say things that to them are weird. Sometimes I post too much in hopes that my brain will slow down and my anxiety will subside without popping pills to do it. I hate that people don’t even want to understand mental illness. People suck. I’m so over people who have their heads up their asses.


Facebook is a ■■■■■■■ cesspool. I unfriendly everyone months back and it was the best thing I have done. I still go on to see news etc but no false friends


My problem is I depend on messenger. I should do a cleansing though

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There should be a buffer period between clicking and the message getting sent😂


Oh yes a big HALLELUJAH to that



Facebook is the worst,

I stopped using it completely about exactly four years ago.

Like @anon20613941 said, it was the best.

If you depend on it for messaging, seriously unfriend everyone except the people you have to message.

It’ll keep you from doing weird stuff.

Yeah I’ll do that. Just family and close friends who like my weirdness haha


Facebook requires heavy filtering… my feed has rick and morty and veeking stuff… scifi stuff and funny memes… i avoid politics… and engaging most people…


I don’t find Facebook to be a bad thing. I haven’t been getting on it much lately, but I do sometimes just to pass the time. I don’t have a lot of friends on there, somewhere in the 50s. What I don’t understand is when people have hundreds of fb friends. It’s like, “really? Do you really know and consider yourself friends with all of these people?” Hell, I’ve known people who admit to having accepted friend requests from strangers. That stuff is ridiculous. Sorry, no offense to anyone here who does that, I just don’t understand it. On my fb I just have actual friends (only a few), family, and childhood friends I went to school with.

I’ve been known to unfriend people simply because I am longer interested in what they have to say, not because of some huge character flaw, so I wouldn’t take it too seriously if I were you.


The only reason I’m hurt is they were my nephew and my niece in law. I have only people I personally know on my Facebook as well. Good for keeping track of my teenagers. And my close friends.

Ok, I understand. I once unfriended my uncle, only to re-friend him a couple years later. I later felt like kind of an a-hole for unfriending him. I just got tired of his negativity and constant political posting, so I decided my fb feed would be better without him in it. That was before I knew it’s possible to unfollow someone without unfriending them. I unfollowed him a few months ago, and I am glad I did.


I understand my niece in law. I was posting about gay marriage and was of course very supportive but she is extremely homophobic. But my nephew and i get along so well. I don’t have the nerve to ask why. It’s probably nothing against me. I just feel kinda sad

I’m too paranoid for Facebook. My entity warns me about Facebook and how all of our private information will be used against us one day. I don’t want to be part of that. I had a FB for a long time, but had to give it up because it made my delusions terrible.

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Thanks for the tip about unfollowing instead of unfriending.

I do Facebook on on and off with a grain of salt. I post mainly stuff from Google that is about the larger world instead of about my personal problems. I got to post my entire life as a mentally ill person there. People liked my posts and gave me encouraging comments.

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I use messenger to chat with a couple of friends

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Ive never used facebook or twitter ! :blush:

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If you have people you want to send messages with I would recommend Telegram. You and whoever you want to message with open accounts with your phone numbers as ID. You can send text, links, documents, pictures etc… I think there’s a videochat option too.

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I don’t go on Facebook anymore. It’s just a bunch of racist family members and friends spouting off their racist opinions. I don’t know how the biracial members of our family can stand it.


My facebook feed is filled with people posting those “nametest” where they click a button and it shares something to thier page about what disney villain they look the most like, or whether or not they’ll be married in 3 years.

I especially have three friends who do this, yet get offended if I unfollow them because I missed some important updates.

And one of them constantly shares “news” she hasn’t fact-checked as well as a constant stream of horoscopes, yet calls me a “believer in propaganda” when I try to comment on one of the many pro-cannabis things she posted, saying it might not be as wonderful a drug as people want it to be.

I’m sorry, random facebook friend, I did not know proven scientific papers were propaganda while your unchecked third-party “news”-sites were not. My bad.

So yeah, Facebook is full of bored, annoying people who can’t see further than their own nose. If you want to avoid them, unfollow or unfriending might be the best option even if it hurts some butts.