It was too many unnecessary stimulations for me and the sz/a group I was on posted too many pictures that I’d start wanting to copy others styles or get dissatisfied with my own life. I guess it was time to leave. It will take some time to get used to it as I was on about a year.
I’m still on here, I love the more anonymity here and not so many selfies all the time, just occasionally. And some of you guys know me so well as I’ve been here nearly eight years (can’t believe it’s been so long!)
I value you guys, all of you and hope to have another eight happy (hopefully not too symptomatic) years on here to come. And then eight more and eight more and …
I don’t do social media. Most post seem performative to show off how happy they are whether or not they are. I do like it here too. I really don’t like Reddit - its not the same.
I feel i can share here where as everywhere else not even SZ related. I don’t.
Facebook is such a load of horseshiit. Was on it for 3 months or something 10 years ago. Waste of time. Infact i cant believe people sit on it and waste their time with it trying to show off photos to people they despise. Makes no sense to me.
I just use messenger with it. And a couple sport meet-up groups. But I don’t really do anything with it beyond that. I try to keep the privacy up on it.
I use fb but I don’t post selfies. Mostly just like memes and funny posts in groups I’m a member of. Sometimes ridicule a politician. That’s basically it.
FB is notorious for allowing bubbles to form. Its algorithms feed you content related to your previous interests and likes, but adeptly hides everything that runs counter to that.
I had FB until i learnt howto jailbreak the VR Headset.
Its just full of people for me that just want to remind me how good there lives are - and makes me feel like im worthless. Its all in my head - but i will post something what i consider to be deep and meaningful - and then proceed to get all paranoid about it lol.
I gave up Facebook almost 10 years ago. I forgot my password, so I changed it. But when I went to log back in they asked me for evidence of my identity. They wanted birth certificate or some other document with my name and that on it. Made me mad. My identity is my business. So I stayed away from Facebook ever since. I don’t miss it.
i am open about having schizophrenia on both FB and Twitter. I’ve had very little in the way of hurtful responses.On the high IQ groups I go on I’ve met quite a few on antipsychotics.