Expressing my emotions

It possible. I dated 8 people, but most i didnt really have feelings for. My current relationship is difficult but he trying. He trying to work on his anger. Since i dont do good around people when they are angry. Do to what my dad did in his relationships as well as one of my friends whom i used to be around with. Anger is something that i dont handle well around. But my fiancee is trying not to get angry around me and i know it hard for him not to.

yeah, people on here know that Phil has an anger problem too

and he always blames it on me. yeah, right, I never raise my voice,
Iā€™m just being myself, and if thatā€™s not good enough, too bad.

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He sounds like my dad. No offences.
You canā€™t blame people for a problem you have.
Had a talk like with my dad and he got made cuz i told how i felt like he a monster and i am scared of him. And he blamed me for feeling like that tords him.

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Yea that would be nice post the link to your blog.

You should try a graphic novel some of your pictures would make great charactets?.


I want to try it out. I started making a comic as well. I also want to make childrens books.

Thatā€™s cool maby it can become a full-time thing.

I hope so cuz i am tired of working in retail.

Yea some jobs can get monotomous real quick, mines boring so thinking of moving divisions at Amazon to try something different. Slightly more pay too but not much more about doing something different.

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I agree. I thinking of applying at the school as a special helper to help with the special ed kids.

Maby look into a career in graphic design think youā€™ll love it

do you know anyone with special needs?

I used to work in the group homes doing direct care, itā€™s very rewarding work.

And my son has Down syndrome.

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I have middle asburgers as well as i take longer to awnser on questions and have trouble with thinking through problems.

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