I was browsing through my old Deviantart account, and I found a picture I made before I was ever diagnosed and/or treated for my schizophrenia, back when I “just” had anxiety.
Anyways, I’m still pretty proud of it to this day, and it still depicts how I feel when the bad things get too much.

The picture is inspired by my feelings, and also by the song ‘Unwell’ by Matchbox Twenty.
I really like this. You captured a feeling of deep distress and darkness with painfully fragmented emotions but I feel like the figure in the bed demands empathy because he/she is so clearly human in emotion–fearful and paralyzed. Usually, there is darkness or humanity in artwork and I think people struggle to convey both very well. I think you did that flawlessly here.
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I really like it @Berru! You’re very talented!
Thank you! I appreciate that 
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I can relate so much to this picture. To have all that going on inside my mind, but outwardly I’m just frozen still.
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That’s what happens to me too. Most people have a “fight or flight” response, I automatically go for the third option, which is to freeze. The more that goes on inside my mind, the more scared I get, the more I just freeze up.
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This is incredible.
The emotions you depicted here are so relatable and so powerful that they can’t even be described in words.
The overall sensation is like an ever rising mega-tsunami threatening to engulf you.
That very near endangerment to one’s sanity is what I see very clearly here.
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Thank you.
And yes, those were the emotions I was trying to convey, amongst others 
. It struck a chord. I cried when I saw it. Can’t explain why.