I hear her voice telepathically.
Should I send her a message asking to stop or am I delusional? I know how it sounds but I can’t help it
It’s a delusion. I hope you’re telling your current doctor these things.
Maybe I need to call him. Thanks
You know it’s a delusion. The question is whether you’re proyecting hostility or some other unresolved issue onto the expdoc. What are your thoughts about doctors?
Not telepathically. You’re imagining it. There’s no way for your ex pdoc to communicate via telepathy. Fight the delusion/voices.
You’re very delusional. You need to talk to your current psychiatrist. The sooner the better.
Your mind is playing tricks on you basically.
Don’t contact your ex psychiatrist or they will immediately hospitalize you.
You are delusional and need to talk with your current doctor ASAP.
I think you need to talk to your pdoc about it, your current one that is
You need to go to the hospital, sorry. You know how I feel about your current pdoc, so I won’t get into it. You are highly delusional and are having hallucinations. Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t completely broken with reality by now, though you seem to be almost there. No one is speaking to you telepathically. That’s not a thing, and even if it were, there’s no way your old pdoc would have access to that technology. I say yes, message her and hopefully she’ll get you some help as your current pdoc seems to be unwilling or unable to treat your condition.
It was transient guys. No problem
Why do you dismiss all your symptoms? Isn’t your goal to be symptom free?
It’s gone now. No problem
My pdoc dismisses all my symptoms.
Whatever I tell him, he says it’s silly and not reality
I would prefer him to say “I understand, it is tough” and not say that it’s silly delusion
I miss this pdoc. She was so good. But she couldn’t help me. She couldn’t handle my situation. I needed big doses, and she was not comfortable with big doses.
She had the role of pdoc and therapist too. We were talking for an hour, every month. My current pdoc sees me every three months for half an hour and he just want to hear my symptoms
Those high doses can be extremely dangerous, and your current pdoc knows this. He is using you as a fu cking guinea pig. Sometimes, antipsychotics can have the opposite effect, especially if you either don’t need them or, in your case, are taking way too many. Please go to the hospital. Tell them everything, your meds, dosages, etc. You’re not well, and I’m sorry, but your current pdoc isn’t helping that.
With this combo I feel like a normie some days. It’s the best combo. Especially zyprexa. I have some breath symptoms but I can live with it
@Om_Sadasiva you and I both know that this is not sustainable. These meds take such a toll on your body. Your pdoc just increases your dosages and adds more meds without any regard for your physical health or safety. Therre are maximum doses for a reason.
Yes, I worry too. For my stomach or liver. They will damage my liver.