Even though I accept my delusion as a delusion it still seems so real. As part of the brain study I am in, I am monitored constantly. Everything I do, say and see and hear is monitored. I am actually one of the primary researchers in the study and helped to conceive the whole thing, however, I have been hypnotized to forget so that the study could be organic. I had no idea I was part of the study until they ‘reminded’ me during my first psychotic episode in June of 2015. The hard part about my delusion is that I believe I am actually a multi-billionaire and knowledgeable in everything. I long for my gift (I am a great Savant) and my money. As I prepare to go to Community College, I have his nagging thought that I am the worlds greatest Physicist, Physician and Mathematician and I have been hypnotized (at my own request for purposes of the study) to forget. I am also fearful of what ‘they/we’ may do to me in the name of a brain stress study. I have already had a suicide attempt on my last birthday. I take my meds. I go to my pdoc and tdoc. They know all about the olé’ brain study lol. I am every honest. I am not even sure why I posted this. Just thinking out loud, I guess, since it’s on my mind. I want the study to end. I want my money. I want the pain (paranoia and mental illness) to go away and I want to go home to my ‘real’ home, which is undoubtedly spectacular and magnificent. I know… don’t skip the meds tonight. I won’t. They rarely send me thoughts, talk to me in my head or influence my behavior anymore, which they used to do all the time. I guess that means I am getting better.
So your batman eh…I’m the ■■■■■■■ son of Odin nice to meet you…I also have hard to shake delusions…its tough knowing you have god like abilities but having no way to access them…it all feels like a big joke…I have a sz friend who has the batman syndrome as I like to call it…I am by no means picking on you like I said I have half human half god delusions…some things the meds so far have very little effect on…even the knowledge that they are delusions seems to effect it hardly if any…I understand your pain Mr.Wayne…
We can’t say BA’s tard? Even in the proper context…
Yeah, my meds are working as far as paranoia and thought intrusion but I still have the delusion. My delusion of grandeur doesn’t stop there… Oh… by no means. I also speak any language on earth, can play any instrument, sing in any note, beat any number of martial artists at one time single handedly and am an expert at every sport. I also act. I have made several moves and recorded several songs that are being kept hidden from me. I am privy to all knowledge and all skills but my access is being blocked. It sucks. Good to know I am not alone. BTW: It’s Ms. Wayne
Haha Batman’s a woman ? That’s clever…I share a lot of those delusions in particular the most dangerous martial artist on the planet…what sucks is I have training and have been in numerous fights and have yet to lose…its fun reading and swapping delusions of grandeur stories…
Why are you getting in numerous fights? I haven’t been in a fight since I was a kid. Good thing since they won’t let me access my skills!
Is it a delusion or the beginning of the rabbit hole to psychosis. I have the same problem when I have symptoms - everyone is watching me, monitoring me, know exactly what is going on with me, talking about me. I have been through this enough times to know this is part of my sza.
Not everyone is watching you since I had to click on your post to see what you had said, otherwise I would have known.
I’m in the same place in the rabbit hole I have been for months. I live in the same ‘reality’ that everyone else lives in, I just have this delusion in the background.