Essential reading list

I am looking for recommendations on books that will enrich the mind and lift the spirit. Plus fill the holes in my education.

@twang @mortimermouse @SzAdmin, you’re up first. Suggest something. :slight_smile:

You want a book that’ll open your eyes? Try The Golden Bough

A History of Knowledge, by Charles Van Doren

Democracy in America, by Alexis De Tocqueville (Part 2)

complete krav maga by darren levine

too bad I know the whole book, that and this body and brain disease = danger

good thing I have visible tattoos and wear the same things every day so people can watch out lol

I really like Bill Bryson’s books - and especially this one:

A Short History of Nearly Everything


I’m reading his Notes from a Big Country :slight_smile:

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The Power of Positive Thinking by norman vincent peale

I’ve read most of Bill Bryson’s travel books. They’re really well written and very funny. Also, his book, Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way, is interesting.

Anything by Alan watts

Highly recommend Still the mind:an introduction to meditation

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I would recommend Neil Gaiman’s Anansi Boys and American Gods for a bit of escapism.

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Kapital Marx lol

The Basic Writings of Communism - lol

More of a critique of capitalism. Marx never really wrote how a communist society would function

Wind, Sand + Stars Saint Exupery

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I’d like to look at a practical book by him. I was always inspired by his words that I couldn’t grasp.

A Confederacy of Dunces…forget the author’s name but he received a posthumous award for the book. It’s a comedy and a big book but well worth the read !

“The World as I See It” by Albert Einstein. (It’s not a science book :slight_smile: )

I’ve only read an earlier edition.

Dr. Steve Levinson is a clinical psychologist who started coming up with theories and implementing electronic inventions to enhance the human mind with wearable electronics about 30 or so years ago, when people didn’t wear much in the way of electronics around. I think that his theories and psychological techniques are going to have a big impact now that smartphones, and soon smartglasses, are becoming popular.

The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell.

Very insightful, inspiring and readable.

I’m reading this one next: