Environmental issues and climate change

About the only thing I do is buy biodegradable plastic trash can bags. I think the garbage pickup at my apartment building recycles though. The apartment people have us separating cardboard boxes out of the trash.

On another note we have natural gas busses here. It probably would be nice if they were electric. Do you still have the old diesel busses?


We still have diesel buses.


We have a mix. The new buses are electric or on hydrogen. The older ones are still on diesel.


Thanks @anon21849028 I see maybe we are improving here, but I don’t really know if diesel pollutes all that much.

Thanks @Jonathan2

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Each month I take three or four bags of recycling to the recycling centre. Only one small bag of waste per week for the trash

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That’s good. If I had transportation that’s something to consider. The local city garbage collection furnishes each house with a recycling bin but I’m in an apartment.

Our buses are hybrid, electric and gas at the same time.

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Thanks @Aziz 15

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Thanks @Jonathan2 @Hadeda

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My washingdetergent,trashbags etc is enviromentfriendly, hope it makes some difference.


Thanks for the idea @Yellowdiamond. I haven’t thought about getting the environmental laundry detergent.

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Proof that we are living in a meaningless universe is that putting garbage in biodegradable trash bags doesn’t produce something like a volatile chemical reaction.

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