Taking care of Earth

To take care of Earth, I recycle, take short showers, and limit water use (including not watering my lawn and using rain water to water my flowers). I also buy organic meat, veggies and dairy. I’m looking for suggestions on more ways to help the earth other than composting. I looked into it and it won’t work in my household.

What do you do for Earth?


I try to grow plants and give shade for animals. Don’t get addicted to technology and try to get a electric vehicle in future. Try to use alternative to plastic. Keep the ecosystem in balance.


I grace it with my presence.


Reusable grocery bags


I recycle, use reusable grocery bags, I don’t litter.


@Melomaniac , how do you give shade to animals?

@77nick77 LOL!

@mangojuice reusable grocery bags are great. I need to save up and start buying them.

@Wave all good ideas :slight_smile:


Using reusable grocery bags is a new law where I live now.
They did away with plastic and paper bags


Wow. Where I live it’s optional but many companies now charge per bag they put your products and groceries in

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Good one @77nick77 .:slightly_smiling_face:

I grace nature I love with my presence too.

I don’t eat animals.
I only feed my dog chicken which is better for the environment than beef.

I re use material shopping bags.

I bought vegan leather boots and a coat I wore today made out of recycled plastic.

I try to buy things that are better for the environment and more cruelty free.


I pick up litter in my front yard every day. We live on a busy street. I try to conserve water. I get organic produce delivered every two weeks.

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I avoid plastic packaging whenever possible. I also recently bought escooters for my wife and I to use around town, which cuts down on vehicle use.

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I use public transport. Eat mostly vegetarian. Put my grocery shopping in my backpack. Recycle. Go to thrift stores.


I avoid packaging, reuse my shoppingbags and have some plants. I don’t buy new stuff and look for second hand alternatives.


My vote, to make corporations change their ways.
Being vegetarian.
Buying, using, and needing less.


Plant trees in front of house…


I recycled my old house, the insulation, the stones, the windows, i can build a new little one if i have the power for it…

I eat less animals, more grains…

Always fresh water and food for the birds, 50% of this ground is completely wildgrown, much flowers for insects,
ride the bicycle, using old equipment, buying no botteled water…

Without that nature around me, the animals i would’t write this text i think, the took me many times out the hole, when i got really sad i must often laugh because they are sometimes really funny.

And i have a compost toilet . With radio .


I considered composting, but my husband said no way. But there are other things we can do. He also refuses to go meatless but I’m looking into cost effective ways for me to skip on the meat but still feed it to him.

I have chickens. They are my little composters. All our scraps go to them, they poop on and fertilize my yard. They also eat bugs, so no pesticides needed.


That’s cool. I never thought about chickens doing all that. I wonder how chickens would fare in a Northern Michigan winter. I’d love to save on organic eggs! But seriously, having your own chickens is a great idea.

Well, I live in New York, not too far from Buffalo and our chickens survive cold winters.