Enduring suffering

Someone on the forum said all you can do is endure suffering. I found this very helpful. Somehow, I am enduring my suffering.


I am enduring suffering. I really want some chocolate right now but need to wait until tomorrow.

Aside from that, yea I suffer because I’m struggling inside.

But it is just part of the process.


My Mom used to say “You can learn to hang if you hang long enough.” Her childhood was a nightmare.

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Glad you found some help in that @flowers20

Years ago there was a sign on the barber shop door that said “America endures”.

I am tired of enduring suffering. My anxiety is only increasing lately since I’m trying to quit drinking. Every day feels like a struggle to just breathe. I want to feel like the old, happy go lucky, energetic Eddie but I constantly am depressed and just plain down.

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Sorry to hear @pasteyface . Do you have a support system, to help with quitting drinking?

A few people I can text when I’m craving it. My psychiatrist wants me to go to AA but I’m awful at attending stuff like that. I’m better off on my own. It’s tough but knowing that drinking makes me paranoid makes it a little easier to quit.

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Oh. This is a different thread! Lol! I have my parents and a friend with schizophrenia that I text a lot daily. And a texting group with my cousins

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Right on, good to hear. I tried AA myself, but didn’t find that it was right for me.

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Yeah. I’ve never been good at doing things consistently. I feel like I’d go once then end up never going again

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I do feel some sort of hope every once in a while. Not every day is bad. Although lately I’m finding myself very depressed. But occasionally I’ll have a day where I’m full of energy and feel positive. I’m starting to wonder if I’m bipolar. The last doctor that saw me said she thought I was schizo affective

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I’ve heard it said that life itself is something to be endured. I agree with that to an extent, but there are also many things in life that make it enjoyable, like a pizza buffet, having a chocolate sunday, visiting relatives, moderate exercise, going fishing, hiking an nature trail, and having a romantic relationship. I could go on, but you get the drift.


Perhaps that is fundamental to this disease. We suffer frequently. I define suffering as a strong irritating feeling that needs resolution. I also think often when we suffer we aren’t aware in fact suffering. It is only occasionally I can say, “Right now I am suffering.”


Yes, I endure suffering. I have better days than some days. I believe I am a survivor!


Enduring a suffering is a choice. You can choose to not suffer.

Unless the suffering is caused by your wife’s parents and you want to stay married.

Then you’re screwed unless you get lucky and they die.

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