Like tonight, some nights, I just don’t see the light.
Light is getting dimmer at my end, try not to think about it
I want to drink even though I know I can’t
I don’t know if you want to quit but it’s hard to quit alone. I had a drug problem but got clean in the rooms of AA, CA, and NA.
The AA motto, said in most meetings, “We can’t do it alone, we all need each other.”
Hey I’ve been there. Sober since 05! Tried aa but a meat market and, I wasn’t there for that. Women’s meeting once a week but stopped cuz triggered me cuz mom a raging alcoholic and when women would admit to stuff…I’d relate from a child’s point of view. I stopped cuz I tried to kill myself. My husband was friend found me. They had to pump me full of charcoal. Couldn’t do that to him again because he was so upset and scared. So, he and psych said one more drink and they’re done with me. That was only a brief moment in my life but had a very powerful part in my way I function today and not doing self destructive things because they have consequences
What a kickass username @ImaTeaRex
@anon20318121 thank you
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