End of day three stopping smoking. Bryan are you still not smoking?

shout out to @BryanAshley I am on day three and I feel like I can whip it this time. Had some cravings but all the groceries are bought and I have two more days until getting more cash so I hope I stay strong. I’m scared of cigs to tell the truth. the nicotine gum is helping immensely!!


Man I was doing alright until I started getting headaches. In my case it was always the cravings that brought me back to cigs. With dokha there cravings are less intense but other withdrawal effects are terrible.

So I guess in short, no I’m still smoking. I want to quit soon but I think I’ll have to invest in something that’ll help.

Perhaps I’ll try the gum next time.

I’m getting better at finding things to do for hours on end. This reduces the amount that I smoke.

Hopefully as my interests expand I’ll be even more distracted from smoking. In order to avoid withdrawals though I’m going to have to taper off and start setting limits.

Keep it up juke 3 days or more isn’t worth throwing away. I know you get depressive episodes, I’d try to find some coping mechanisms.

Perhaps there is some kind of long term design project you could take up. Maybe draft a house or something just for fun.

Good luck dude, fight the good fight.

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Smoking is very bad for health. It harms every organ of the body. I can understand that it is difficult to quit smoking at a glance but this can achieve over a time. My friend had tried Nuez dela india, which has proven beneficial for him. Know more about it at nuez-dela-india.com/ .

Way to go, jukebox! You’re doing good.

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wow, how strange. so that’s at least a whole year that I started and stopped smoking now…well, believe it or not, I’m on day four of stopping smoking as of today. very humbling to see this.

I had quit for several months before starting again. It sucks, but you have to keep trying.

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thanks @anon9798425 you make me feel better. Its not hopeless, you just have to worry about today. tomorrow is it’s own battle. I can handle today.

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That’s great advice! I’m visiting my family now. I will take it a day at a time. :wink: