I woke up quite early. It is 3 AM currently. I made some coffee and I am drinking it now. It is so peaceful because there are no sounds, no traffic. It is -18 C (-0.4 F) outside, so quite cold, but I am okay.
Its -19c right now here in my part of Canada, its 8:08pm. Monday and Tuesday it will be -35C with windchill.
it’s 3c here. We have not had cold temperatures much this winter.
New Years Day was a record 16c for England.
We used to get snow further south, but not anymore.
It hasn’t stopped raining since Christmas, and it has been a right pain!
All I know is it’s freaking cold coffee has me in knots spilled a half an hour on the dishes just took a pot of food
Today has been an okay day. It is -16 C now and I have not gone riding my bicycle.
I cannot imagine -18C! And -35C!!! The coldest Cape Town gets in winter is about 5C at night lol!
It’s summer here now and been pretty hot. More like 30C than -30C!
Can’t wait for winter to return. I love cold weather and wish it could snow here. In winter we just get lots of rain. Snows only on tops of mountains.
@Hadeda In this morning we have -24 C.
I’m from the temperate climates too and we get below 10 C in winter on occasion but never colder. I’ve been in Arkansas in early winter though and felt 0 degrees C and was surprised by how I dealt with it. It was cold but I was going outside to smoke back then with jeans and a tshirt…Not sure about 20 degrees colder than that though!
Wow prettyy cold… Here is -1 but feels colder. Mild winter for now though they say the real cold is yet to come… anyway summer will come in a couple of months so optimistic
Sipping on some iced coffee at 18F (-7.7C) right now.
The smart thing to do would be to drink some hot coffee to keep warm, but iced coffee is just too good— I drink it year-round .
-18 c in south of Finland today.
I slept late. This is not the weather to go skiinig today. Maybe tomorrow
Love waking up and having morning coffee.
You guys and your Celsius. It’s 17c for us here in Southern California. Kinda Cold. 60 - 70F for the day.
It was 45 f here yesterday it was crazy
Its -36c with windchill now outside.
The coldest city in the world is Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia. -40c and -50c is normal there.
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