So very cold

We are under an extreme cold warning today and all next week.
With the windchill it is -43°c/-45°f.
The wind is northwest and my balcony faces west and it is very windy.
I’m not sure why thats not enough to get me to quit smoking. I guess I’m truly Canadian.


I live in Michigan and yeah. It’s going to be cold this week. We’re not as cold as you though so be careful.

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We have the severe cold coming next week. It’s pretty cold now, in the 20s (f). So 21 right now, -6 c.

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-13c here. Not too cold for Finnish people like me


What does smoking have to do with being Canadian? Only 16% of Canadians smoke now and the number is dropping.

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I meant handling the cold lol

I walked for an hour at -25C wind chill. Lips are still thawing…


I just went out and stupidly touched the metal railing and now I have a red hand lol

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brrrrr that sounds cold =/

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The coldest we got here in the last few years was -38C. 3-4y ago we had a snowstorm with -44C -45C, we lost electricity for a bit. I remember once we had a snowstorm and there was power outage for a long time, everyone went sleeping in shopping centers as they had electricity generators. Losing electricity in a cold snowstorm sucks. Hopefully you won’t lose electricity.

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We stayed home as we have a fireplace and used it.

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Don’t lick a cold metal lol I tried it and my tongue got glued to the metal lol I was young.
Even the hand can get glued to metal due to cold.

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13,500 steps so far today. Going for 20,000.

Plenty warm enough if you keep moving.



Your headphones and cellphone work in -35C? Never really tried mines in -35C or colder.


Yup! Cellphone is in an inside pocket on my jacket.


It’s about 11° F in my neck of the woods.

I would walk to my thrift shop for exercise but I’m still recovering my voice from dehydration sickness.

Bundle up Big Mama, and stay warm!


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