It is the afternoon and coffee time

It has been raining and snowing today and I have not been able to ride my bicycle. It is a little depressing, but now I am having coffee. Hopefully I feel better soon.


I am just having my morning coffee. I hope you are feeling better @mjseu Hopefully the weather improves soon and you can ride your bike or go for a walk.

I am feeling okay, it snowed five centimeters, I went for cycling, just a short distance. Tomorrow should be good for cycling. I suppose you do not get much snow there where you are @Moonbeam

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Having coffee and cleaning the house before my wife comes home from the parents and we can start with our respective cold shoulder routines. Will probably work a walk into my part of giving the cold shoulder.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so we only very rarely get a dusting of snow in Winter on the tops of some of the taller local hills or mountain tops.

It snowed a little bit in France a couple days ago. Quite unusual for this time of the year.

Here in germany it has been raining since couple of days. Having my afternoon tea currently.

No snow here in Strathmore, Alberta, Canada this weekend. Other parts of my province (which is quite large) got some. Have spent the morning cleaning and cooking and it’s about time to go for a walk.

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