Just don’t light them.
Happy Birthday.
I caught my local doctor selling these, I think they’re really for making husbands more obedient lol
Wise man say. Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear.
My great uncle used to say “ Every time your elbow bends your mouth flies open”. Your statement made me think of it
@DrZen. I thought this was going to be a serious thread. I’m just sayin not complaining.
Does anyone know how to deal with ear wax? I seriously have a problem with it.
I know, I do too. I use Q-tips even though your not supposed to. I can’t help it. It would be out of control if I didn’t.
Yeah. I keep Qtips in my house for that reason.
I’ve not had much ear wax for several months .
I don’t get much ear wax but when I do I’ll use Qtips.
You could try a saline wash in the shower or sink. Sort of like a douche for ears. Also try that bulb thing you use to clean baby’s noses. I mean to force the saline in not jamming it in there and sucking.
I use ear was removal drops. They are the best for getting rid of ear wax.
I got a earskinirritation… I need to get balm.
@Loke and @Leaf The doctor can irrigate your ears. We thought my Dad was going deaf and it was only ear wax.
My parents are deaf. I wish it was only ear wax. I’m sick of yelling at them and sounding rude.
One of the girls in our house is hard of hearing. Yes, it is tiresome to have raise your voice.
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