Dysphagia with second-generation antipsychotics: A case report and review of

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I am having problem swallowing and breathing sometimes since increasing my risperdal from 4 to 6mg.

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I’ve had dysphagia for many years. I’ve had three EGD’s and a Barium swallow and the docs can’t find anything wrong.


Clozapine is the only drug that causes dysphagia in my experience. It is this disruption of the swallowing reflex that leads to the drooling at night.


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@Aziz, you need to tell your doctor, ASAP. Trouble swallowing can lead to choking on food.

My husband has given me the heimlich a couple of times, literally saving my life. That was a while ago, though.

If you start choking on something when nobody is around you could try the self heimlich:

If you’re alone and choking, follow these steps:

1. Make a fist and place it just above your navel, thumb side in.
2. Grab the fist with your other hand and push it inward and upward at the same time. Perform five of these abdominal thrusts.
3. Repeat until the object is expelled and you can breathe or cough on your own.

You can also thrust your upper abdomen against a hard edge like the corner of a table or counter, or back of a chair.

Source: Heimlich Maneuver: How to Perform and When to Use It

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Thanks @Blossom
For now it only happens when not eating but for some reason I am choking with water sometimes, I think its getting into my airways. I told the Dr and he said its bcz my throat is dry. Maybe I should tell him that its not. Its only dry at night when I sleep and wakeup at night.

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I had that problem, too, with liquids. I switched meds and it went away. Maybe your pdoc could switch your med or lower the dose?

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I turned dysphagic some months ago… I didnt even know, that theres a name for it…
In my case, o psychologically cant swallow harder food, so you can imagine what s*** i eat. I am obliged to eat some stuff, that i dont like much, always soft meals…
But in my case, i dont think its the meds tbh. I am on zyprexa since 5 years and this happened just now. I blame more my anxiety, my bad mind and my conversion disorder probably…
But its possible for you Aziz, that its the meds :confused:
I have one friend, who was having only anxiety, and she was having the same problem… She said, that sometimes, she was afraid even to swallow her own saliva in the nights… She says, that sometimes she still worries about the food, but she does her life with that…

I will tell my new pdoc the 28th in 3 days.

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I have had dysphagia with injection abilify not so much on the lower doses

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Yea I am on a high dose risperdal, 6mg. Max dose is 8mg.


Risperidone also causes me breathing problems. I’m trying to figure out what would help.

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