This ones pretty sad or melancholic sounding this beat, but honestly, best one Ive made in a hot minute. Its dead simple but really hits you I think
I am drinking again and Im worried that its dragging me down but in some ways it makes for really good music which is a shame. I dont wanna be sad and existential to make a decent tune lol
Anyway me and @Jonnybegood and hopefully @fractaled are making a song out of it and I think its gonna be something else, stay tuned.
Meantime I need to find a new way to cope with the stress lol but thankfully my degree is almost over with
Haha ya know its weird I made the thing and I was feeling a good buzz going and was thinkiing buzzed fun thoughts and stuff but longterm I think the drinking is making me depressed
I think I’m just not having enough human contact lately. That’s why I’m feeling a little flat. I’m still bummed over my friend passing away as well, I’m sure that’s part of it
Yeah its rough without contact. When I first got to this country everythign locked down about a week after I got my apartment. Literally no friends cuz all my classmates went home to their own countries and no way to make friends. Itll get to ya so I definitely get that
I remember the song you posted, Im sorry man, its hard to lose someone like that. I had a frined since middle school who died in a car accident in Texas after we talked like a couple weeks after going to college. After youre done grieving that ■■■■ makes you think man, its brutal. Hope you feel better soon
That would completely suck, yes. Landing in a foreign country and not being able to make contacts. That must have been rough on you. It would drive me nuts, not being able to go to museums and see the sights
That song Billy, was actually a buddy who died a few years ago of cancer. The friend I’m grieving now, Dan, just passed away a month or two ago of a heart attack. Just a part of life
On a brighter note, it did inspire two new songs. I will be posting them here eventually, but another friend of ours wants to do the drums on this one. So I have to wait for him to do his part
Yeah it sucked. Things are back to normal but Im still trying to get back where I was
Ah yeah my bad. Damn thats rough man Im sorry. Looking forward to those tunes tho, ping me for sure! Im very busy these days but Ill see it, cant wait to hear what you come up with