Don't pay so much attention to bad moods and feelings

You aren’t gonna find any answers or satisfaction in negativity. It’s like putting yourself in jail

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I definitely agree that perspective is really important. However, I think there is a line. For instance, your got a flat tire: maybe get mad for awhile but then let it go. Don’t spend days or weeks complaining about it.

Yet, I might put the caveat that sometimes sharing your negative feelings with someone who will listen actually lessons the negativity. I think it is okay to be negative and gripe if you have a significant problem. (Maybe a rather mean mental disorder for instance lol). Because flat tires are easily fixable and certain things people have to live with no matter how hard they fight.

And, I know it might sound odd, but (to a point) I like listening to people gripe. I feel that by letting them vent I’m helping them. Because I know when I feel miserable and someone listens to me, it makes me feel better.

You’re completely correct.

Have you ever had something happen thst doesn’t even bother you but the fact that someone else thinks you’re upset or bothered by it makes you annoyed? Does that make sense?

Yes, that makes sense. I would imagine that happens a lot. It can be rather irksome if you think it is because the person is treating you like you are delicate. With that patronizing soft toned, ‘Are you okay Mr. Crazy Schizophrenic Person.’

On another note, it would make sense more to my mom. I ask her about every 15 minutes if she is mad at me lol. She (jokingly) sometimes says, after I’ve done it many times, I wasn’t then but I kind of am because you keep asking me.

Innate veing patronized. Thst feeling I get from someone treating me in normal drives me insane. Sometimes judt a simple pressure of being treated normal is all I need to snap out of a mood.

But I’ve realized sometimes pwople will wind me up just so they can act like they helped me calm down

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