Don’t judge me

I didn’t take my meds last night. I’ve been struggling like crazy. Not feeling good about anything and generally feeling like crap. So last night I decided to get off them for a little while. I actually woke this morning in a good mood. I feel good right now. I know I’ll have to get back on them but maybe I’ll last a day or two. The constructive thing I learned is that my generally bad uninterested mood isn’t permanent and is a reaction to my meds

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This is going to get deleted because it’s not recovery oriented.

I think you should tell your pdoc about how your apathy is medication related. Maybe he can tweet it a bit so you take your meds but they don’t cause you too much negatives

Ok I took the other stuff out

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It’s not just apathy. It’s kinda I don’t enjoy anything. I feel as though I’ve been just going through the motions for a while now. The akathisia is getting to me too. I just need a break. I have cogentin for the akathisia so I’ll probably try and get back on that and my ap when I start taking meds again. I saw my doctor twice last month to sort this out. Idk if all else fails I may talk to her about getting on a different ap.


I have almost forgotten how it is to experience life without medication, almost. I remember everything is more real and vivid (if you’re not in psychosis) and you have more motivation and will power. But I also remember how exhausting it is to be in a constant state of psychosis. :slightly_frowning_face:


It’s probably not wise to make a habit of going off and on meds. I don’t have any studies or articles about it but it just seems like a bad idea. I’m just making a comment, I’m not judging you.


Tell your doctor about the issues and see if they will work on a compromise.

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Meds stay in your blood stream for awhile I doubt missing one day could make you feel better it’s a placebo effect probably

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Nah mine wear off pretty quick. I used to get off my meds a lot back in the day and it didn’t take long before I started feeling the affect go away. I do believe it may still be having some kind of an affect but I still feel way better.

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do u use nicotine or caffeine?

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I was just about to say when I missed latuda when I took t in the day time I felt better. I really want to stop my meds too but I don’t think it’s smart …


Yeah I vape and drink coffee and the occasional energy drink. I think this stuff is med induced. Coffee hardly affects me now on perphenazine. I don’t get any kind of manic high.

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yeah i was thinking maybe nicotine or caffiene would help u enjoy things but i guess sometimes the medicine is too strong for that to work

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Ok. It’s 4:44pm and I took my meds. Went about 20 hours. I took my dog outside and was pretty uncomfortable being out there. I’ll check back and let you guys know how I’m feeling.