Does worrying so much about the future is a symptom too?

Ok, I do some things, but I am never satisfied by them… I dont brag about them, I am not content cause all seems me too few still…
I am bad in my mind still, that’s all :pensive:
But does worrying about the future all the time is now more a symptom than a real concern? How does this was to you, pls tell it to me, my friends???
Its probably up to just be well in your mind and body isn’t it?
Also, just one another thing, please try to answer me folks… is it possible to recover, while I was sick all the time for the last 15 years… i dont lie, i was sick all this time… No matter that i was doing a bit some things… i was sick in my head and body… can this change if it was really the case? A chronical state to start to get better smally by smally now?
A chronical sz is doomed to remain chronical and in pain forever or what? :cry: I am tired to fight today…
Ok, I’ll be honest once again… 2 days ago my mind relaxed for an hour, not in detriment of my thinking, which was good, but one hour for one day in 15 years of sickness?? It worries me yeah…
Idk, I told you, 15 years of sickness, I dont know if you can get out of this…
For those who think that I do nothing, it’s not entirely true… I clean my house, I shower often, I socialize with 2 friends, I go out almost every day for 10 minutes, I play some games but that’s all. I am alone the most of the time and I worry about the future since I was a teenager…
My efforts should pay or you dont believe in the efforts in sz??
Hugs to all :blush:

No one??
I had more than enough of being unhappy for 20 years, people… but one pdoc even thinks, that I tried too many meds…
I went dumb also with the isolation and the loneliness…
Can I get better now faster? Or it’ll take me another ten years???
I start to doubt , that efforts can make a recovery from sz, so I am left alone in this… My current doc didn’t offer more meds the last time. I am on zyprexa since 5 years and no one likes me… :cold_sweat: can I feel better just by trying it? Yeah…
I dont want more meds either, none of them didnt work for ten years, that I made only this… meds for 10 years without a help… some of them made me crazier - seroquel, clopixol, leponex, abilify… with the zyprexa, I am not crippled in bed though, that’s all…
You dont believe in efforts for sz either, isn’t it? My pdoc insisted on them still but idk anymore…

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If you want to talk Im here…

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i learned to not ponder too much on the future and the past. I used to do it a lot but i tried to put more thoughts in my mind that have to do with the present. I don’t really know how you do it though… try to force out thoughts when you start thinking about the future or the past.

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The past is history. The future is a mistery. The present is a present.


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