Does Vraylar work for positive symptoms?

My pdoc said vraylar was more oriented as a mood stabilizer. Does it also work for voices? I’m considering my options.

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It has taken away all my delusional thinking as well as blocks 99% of visual hallucinations, which is what I get mostly. I really recommend it. It keeps you calm emotionally as well. It’s the best antipsych I’ve tried yet.


I’m still having occasional tremors on my left leg a year after quitting vraylar. If it gets worse I’ll sue them for damages.


I’m pretty sure that Vraylar made me manic but I could be wrong.

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What kind of visuals would you get? Did you see shadow people?

How long till it was effective for you? I heard it can take months is why im asking

Hi Longamor i feel the same its been 7 days now since i start taking Vraylar 1,5 is this enough i feel stable

but i take 5 mg abilify for 4 days now that i am withdrawing to 0 now, what is your experience and in how many day did it start to work for you? I agree it’s a good med the best I’ve taken so far I hope

It took a couple weeks to kick in fully if I remember correctly. I do remember feeling a change in mood from the first pill. I also started on 1.5 and worked my way to 3 mg.

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Hey Longamor, yes I feel the same way like you did :smiley:

When did you up to 3 mg, my pdoc sais after 15 days

Can you give me some advice please?

Same amount of time, after two weeks.

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took 3 mg after 14 days 1,5 mg is not enough

Is 3mg enough for positive symptoms? What Abilify dosage were you symptom-free on?

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20 mg, but i took lower doses before and was stable for 6 months

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before i was permanently stable on 20 mg

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Hows 3mg Vraylar now? Any positive symptoms?

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Hi Aziz, just my lamictal induced psychosis symptoms, but no positive symptoms, my TD from geodon however has worsened a bit on 3 mg : ( maybe its temporary

what the **** does it need to get yourself back???

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Aziz can you get vraylar from us pharmacy?

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I don’t think so but I will ask my psychiatrist 3 December. Pretty sure its not covered by insurance though and it costs 1300$US/month which is 1700$CA. I can’t afford that.

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