Does the illness burn itself out as you get older?

Hey guys, as above thoughts?

No, it doesn’t.


Acute,positive symptoms are far less for me compared to when I was in my mid 20s. I do need a fair amount of social care.

I wish 1515151515

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My EUPD Did. I havent overdosed in 10 years, or had the razors on me arms.

With the schizophrenia, ive had to adjust my life quite a bit, and finally having proper
meds after years being nutty - its certainly better than when i was in my 20’s (Im 48 this year).

But there were other factors involved that made my Sz hard to deal with. Insecure housing for starters and me bouncing from one dysfunctional relationship to another. (Altho im still slightly Guilty of that).

Early on - my circumstances didnt allow me to realise how ill i actually was and seek recovery.


Unfortonalty, (depends on who you ask) it gets chronic and twisted… Sometimes better, have faith


I had it first bad in 2003 then better in 2006 now since its return in 2012 I’ve gotten it downhill. More frequent episodes and more meds

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It’s chronic, in other words, no cure.

For me, my sza stayed really bad, treatment resistant, all my life, until I turned 56. Then, the docs put me on three AP’s and I got better. I’m now 62 and still doing well.


I am doing better since I got older. I am now compliant and this has allowed me to remain stable somewhat. I can’t say that the illness burnt itself out. I just have become more responsible by taking my medication daily and this has led to all the differences in the world.

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The pestering and abusive nature of voices has got worse with age

I would say not. I’m 62, and back in the summer of 2020 my pdoc tried cutting my AP. I was back to like I was when I was unmedicated in 2008 and homeless. It was hell getting me back to see the pdoc again. I think my therapist doesn’t want him doing that again.

Hah. I ■■■■■■■ wish. I am getting better at side stepping the punches it throws at me. You learn tricks over time.

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No, it usually doesn’t get better.
If anything it’s kind of gotten worse for me if I’m on the wrong dose.

I don’t have schizophrenia though

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I’m 63, and I still feel it in me, in spite of the med’s. I think I may be coming down with Parkinson’s too. I’m forgetful and easily confused. I’ll stand up to do something and then forget what I was going to do. I see traces of hallucinations.

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I think anything that worsens your health will have the same effect on sz.

I think your coping skills get better as you get older. And meds get better in time too.
The illness stays the same though. And now that I’m older I think it would be harder on me if I wasn’t on meds.


I dont think the illness burns itself out but if there is a perception that it does ot could be that stress and things like important accomplishments occur earlier in life and as you get older there is less to trigger symptoms or to be disrupted by lack of functioning. Im only 37 but my sz got worse over time.

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Im more stable, i have matured, developed a core identity, but im also a bit more sad. The positive symptoms are fewer compared to when i was young.

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I’m bipolar but for me I think it has changed. As long as I stay sober and also stay away from prescription stimulants I seem to do a lot better these days.
The psychosis has lost its edge and is pretty infrequent at this point. I still hear voices every now and then or get weird visual distortions but I’m ok with that.
I don’t want to jinx it but hopefully it stays that way.
So 11 years later I’d say I don’t have chronic psychosis.

I feel burnt out though lol.

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