Im worried that i might turn into a vegetable brain, does schizophrenia get worse over time, i feel dumber than last year.
For me positives get worse, and negatives better
Its gets better
really i feel dumber.
Being dumb is underated !
Why does everyone wanna be so clever ? Wtf does a high IQ mean. Happiness?
I used to think a lot and obsess over things before I got sick now I don’t do that. I feel dummer but it’s Kinda nice
For me it got worse but now it’s getting better
i dont be like a caveman.
Be you and who you are. Embrace it. Forget about trying to have an high IQ for bragging rights. Society is lost. Caveman were proabably 10 times happier than all of us nowadays in general !
I just piggyback on everyone’s high IQ around me, lol.
But seriously, for me schizophrenia has gotten better with the right treatment routine. Indeed, I have been increasingly more stable with risperdal than I was with abilify. Also, I think a lot of it depends on certain variables such as stress and comorbid health issues, mental or physical. I’m not going to say that staying stable is completely in your control, but I will say you can do your part in helping your desired outcome.
Haha If you play it right the worlds your oyster !!
i never had high IQ, im just losing focus and concentration. I hope it doesnt get worse. why do you say society is lost
Are you a man or a woman?
I thought I heard someone refer to you as ‘she’
im an alien, lol a male
I’m an alien too
i think we are all aliens, think about it. our species is the most dominant and most intelligent. conspiracy.
Yeah your right! I totally get you, like what are we? Why do we look the way we do, it’s weird. If any other alien species they’d prob think we are weird looking
I just make it look like I know what I’m doing. But really I’m making things up as I go.
we invented so much technology no other species on earth did that. They havent evolve like us. they cant even think about the future. we can, thats how advance our brain is, think the about the future takes alot of advance neuron networks. We must be aliens.