Does schizophrenia improve as you age or does it worsen?

This question is aim at older folks living with the illness.

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Improved for me. I’m soon to be 53 and my symptoms improved through my 40’s. I’m as low as I can go on my antipsychotic and antidepressant as well so there’s definite improvement for me.


Im 43 and started at 23. It has improved for me because I have plenty less stress in my life.


My first psychosis started at the age of 23, I responded well to a low dose of antipsychotic and was wandering since I started on a low dose of antipsychotic compare to most people, does that mean my condition will worsen as I age?

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I started getting better in my 40’s also. The symptoms became less intense and kind of receded into the background more.


Interesting :face_with_monocle: 151515

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Im 35 (so not too old) but i have been diagnosed for 19 years. Psychosis at age 11. Schizophrenia from age 16 on. Overall it has gotten worse for me in a lot of ways. Its changed. The negative symptoms, my thinking, communation have all gotten worse


Sorry hear that, maybe thing will improve for in your 40’s.

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I’m 53. Diagnosed at 39. 10 years on Abilify.

Since I got on Abilify I’ve been stable. It’s been the same for the past 10 years though. No improvement due to age.


I’m sza, bipolar type. My illness basically started full blast when I was 23. The mood symptoms disappeared at age 45. Psychotic symptoms continue, but improved at age 56. I’m now 63.


Much better each year until i got to about 90% and then it slowed down.


We are all different but I think there is a lessening of syptoms as you age for most. Remember there’s still a large percentage that don’t respond to meds at all.

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Thanks to the right cocktail I’m stable
But that’s because I’m on the right meds.

Took me decades to find the right meds

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I’m burned out at 53 but on only two meds at low doses. My auditory hallucinations are just about gone, I just give too much energy to the memory of characters I created. If I spend time drawing and close my eyes after I see cool things. I’m a bit depressed from burnout but nothing like I was before. Short answer is it has improved for me.

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My symptoms feel about the same to me. My ability to cope with them is miles beyond where it was when I first got ill.

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I believe research has shown that it improves over time.

I think this is because generally people learn how to live with it and how to manage it rather than the symptoms get any milder though. At least thats how its been for me.


I’m 50 and the last couple of years my breakthrough symptoms have got worse

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