Does schizophrenia get worse or better as you age?

Hey guys as above, i have had schizophrenia for 25 years, things have gotten worse the last 5 years os so, depression , lack of motivation, tiredness ect, thoughts?

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Most people get better, it is only a small percentage that get worse.


I was diagnosed 30 years ago and have noticed that my negative symptoms have gotten worse in the last few years, when I was younger it was the positive symptoms that I was plagued with…trying new meds for lack of motivation, difficulty focusing

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Same here glenngeeful, negative symptomes have gottten worse for sure!

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Mine has got better. Its psychotic disorder BTW.
Been ill since 4 years

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I’m better in general. For me the worst was the 5 years I was working. Work and stress made me unstable. But now I’m on disability and my life is very quiet and peaceful and this is what I need.


I’ve gotten much better over the years. My main problem now is poverty of speech.

It gets worse, if your health gets worse.

Negative and cognitive symptoms get worse I think.

All my symptoms remained the same since I was diagnosed and put on antipsychotics 10 years ago.

My negatives and cognitive symptoms have gotten worse over time.

Generally speaking positive symptoms lessen, and negative symptoms are more prominent

Mine get worse as I age, poor brain is worn out

Started getting a little better around my mid-forties. By my fifties the symptoms became way less intense and some long standing delusions faded away. I still have symptoms for sure but I also have frequent peace of mind which I’ve craved since I was 20.

Hell, if you want to talk symptoms and delusions, both Trump and Biden are worse off than me.


I’ve been ill for the past 8 years…the stress and anxiety are way low compared to how they were, but I am retired because of the illness and don’t have to work, so all day long I try to be serene and peacefull…even the negative and positive symptoms are less, although I still have them.

I had it bad in beginning when my sza started then I got better then after my relapse eight years ago it got worse and stayed the same ever since

I have both positive and negative symptoms but negative ones worse

It’s gotten easier and I think better with age for me.

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I am 62 years old and in some ways my symptoms have improved and in other ways they have gotten worse. When I was younger, I used to get really paranoid a lot and have paranoid and grandiose delusions. Nowadays, I don’t have such symptoms, but I hear voices much much more than when I was young. I do have the advantage of learning from experience to deal with the symptoms of schizophrenia, but have such symptoms gotten better? I don’t know. My level of functioning now is about the same as it was 30 and 40 years ago.



Everything I’ve read says it improves over time for most people. It’s been true for me, my first two years were solid delusion, the next year was in and out, the next two years have been no delusion just struggling to handle a mean voice, then this year the mean voice is gone most days. I hear it maybe 4 or 5 days out of the month and I can usually ignore it. 98% of the voices I hear are positive and complimentary now.

Maybe, with a few more years, they might quiet down a bit, or even go away entirely. Who knows? The first 5-10 years is a big window for recovery.

maybe because you feel dont have people to talk to.