Does my ex partner want to kill me?

I’m so terrified he wants to kill me. I’ve told my nurse and doctors and they’ve tried to reassure me he won’t. Are you guys able to give any help for this tormenting idea?


I look at it like this if somebody was going to kill me why even worry about it. A lot of worrying isn’t going to change it.

As far as your situation I’d say no you’re good!


Thanks I’m just obsessing over it. I feel like he is waiting around every corner reading my mind and following me :sob:

Let’s say hypothetically he is. Why worry about it? You catching my drift. The more you worry the bigger panic you’ll be in. There is nothing you can do to stop it IF it’s true. Worrying is absolutely pointless. I know easier said than done.

Also I’m sure he’s not.

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Chances are this is just a persecutory delusion.

Try and rationalise it. What motive do they have? What evidence do you have to support this?


Don’t worry, these are all delusions.

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You are obviously visualising the worst case scenario. I think it is a common thing to do, but worst case scenarios almost never happen, and that is what you need to tell yourself. If you still can’t get your emotions in balance maybe there is a friend or family you could stay with for a while? I’m sure you have nothing to worry about though.

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I had these thoughts when I was with my ex. But I met him once and he was nice. Not at all what my sz was telling me.

I’m scared of this too because I’m divorcing my husband and hope he won’t come after me. He’s not that type to do that but I still feel paranoid anyway

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Is your ex a male @Aziz?

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No, I meant the ex of my gf.


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