does haldol make you fat, i take 10mg of it. just wondering.
I take 250mg haldol injection every 25 days.
I don’t think it causes weight gain.
Zyprexa was causing weight gain, and we quit it with my psychiatrist
ok, does slow your metabolism.
Not necessarily
after taking haldol its so hard to lose weight why is that.
Its the least weight gain out of all of them according to wiki.
I have the AP fat genetics according to 23&me. Aps make me fat.
I gained about 10 - 15 lbs. on the Haldol shot. Then I got put on some kind of blood pressure medication that really made me gain weight. I’ve only tried once to lose weight, and I had some success, but I gained it back.
aps suck on weight loss.
haldol is generally very weight neutral, but that doesn’t mean you can’t gain weight on it.
They all can make you fat. Some people get fatter than others
I’ve never been on haldol but every stinking ap I’ve been on has increased my appetite and made me gain weight. I just dont believe claims about a certain drug being weight neutral. I’ve seen how the affect me personally.
They do. Also, I’m about at the final stages of my vigor as a man, and it’s hard to make gains in muscle when you’re over 60. I think I’ll work on developing my mind, but that will probably decline with age too.
Trillafon caused an appetit out of control and weight gain. Clopixol caused loss of appetit and weight loss.
I’ve lost 65 pounds while taking 10 mg of Haldol. I don’t think Haldol triggers hunger for me. And I don’t think it slows my metabolism like so many other APs have done
Everyone reacts differently to different aps. But some do cause more weight gain than others. Long term use can cause metabolic syndrome.
I also read an article where a pharma company got sued because people got diabetes from an ap. Can’t remember which ap it was. Still, if you exercise and watch what you eat, you’ll be fine.