That if you commit a serious crime, like murder for instance, under the influence of a delusion or hallucination, that your medication status makes no difference in whether or not you will be convicted of the crime. You will be judged based upon whether or not you were “insane” at the time of the crime.
I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.
That doesn’t sound right to me,
But finding evidence about it is difficult.
( I just did a google search )
I think a person on APs is probably less likely to commit a crime,
But if they do, they should be held responsible just like any other citizen.
Why do you believe that? Can you explain?
I dont think i agree, but i never really gave it much thought. So im interested in hearing your ideas.
I’m schizophrenic and medicated,
If I murder someone I should be held responsible.
I feel the same way about others.
I wish it were more complex and thoughtful,
But that’s just the way I feel.
I mean, if you murder someone do you really think you should get off because of your diagnosis?
@TheBest, @GoldenRex, @anon73478309 I called up a criminal lawyer in my hometown and he told me how it goes. So, I changed the information in my thread.
You don’t “get off”. There are institutions for the criminally insane. I know of a couple of instances where murder resulted in their being put there.
@TheBest, I’m sorry for the misinformation. Your medication status makes no difference in whether or not you will be convicted of the crime of murder. You will be judged based upon whether or not you were insane at the time of the crime.
This is very interesting. Thanks.
@anon73478309, please re read my thread. I re wrote it.
I indeed would feel responsible if i committed a murder.
I think however there are circumstances when someone is less accountable, like someone who had no clue at the time they were doing something wrong because of insanity. I think they should not be carelessly let back into society, but they should be treated more like an (involuntary) patiënt and less like someone who willfully planned a murder. Like in the institutions @PinCushion talks about.
Thanks, i read it!
That is a good thing because our meds dont cover everything for everyone at all times
@GoldenRex I see where you’re coming from, however to me, there is a big difference between someone who, for instance, murdered their parents because they were angry and someone who murdered their parents because they thought they were zombies trying to eat their brain. There are cases in which someone is not responsible for their actions.
If someone refused meds and had delusions they should be held accountable. By refusing help you are making yourself a time bomb.
That is very true. They need to know what your frame of mind was at the “exact” time you committed the crime.
At the time, where you able to distinguish from right or wrong, did you have the ability to realize the consequences of your actions.
They basically have to decide if you were competent at the time.
I wouldn’t say that someone can get themselves out of trouble for just being on meds though.
And no, you don’t really per se get released of all consequences, they may just find you “not guilty by reason of insanity”(in US at least) but you will still most likely go to a mental institution for the rest of your life(for murder at least).
If you do drugs and become psychotic, you’re guilty of your crimes because you caused your own psychosis.
What happens if you stop meds because of side-effects, become psychotic, and then commit a crime?
Sorry at all, my response was meant for individuals with severe mental illness, NOT people who do illegal drugs and commit murder.
In Greece if you are mad during a crime, you get locked in psych hospital for some years. I remember the case of a crazy guy who murdered, got locked and when he was set free by the psychiatrists there, he committed another crime. And media accused pdocs for the murder. But pdocs said that he was stable and that they can’t predict such things
It wasn’t a reply to you.
I was just pointing out that those two scenarios are pretty much the same. I wonder if you’re guilty of your crimes when you stop a medication that you knew was working.