Are you responsible for your actions if you go off meds

  • I am responsible
  • Not responsible because of lack of warning
  • Not responsible because you weren’t thinking straight

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I did a lot of bad things off meds. Just curious where everyone else stands on the issue. I didn’t feel in control of myself.

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I black out but I think I would still be held responsible for my actions but I would plead not guilty due to insanity.


I’d say you’re still responsible for your actions, certainly if you went off your meds by choice. I don’t really have sympathy for those who become very sick because they chose to stop taking their meds.

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This is major issue in criminal cases. I didnt vote cause I did not see a satisfactory response for my opinion if it.

I will say that in the case of the American Sniper, the killer was sentenced to prison.

The thing is this: if a person get drunk or high and commits a crime, then they still are accountable reguardless of their state of mind.

The reasoning is they should not have gotten drunk or high. Being in an altered stated caused by ones self is not a defendable justification of a crime.

Even though some people might have successfully used that as a defense, it is rarely accepted or the defense is not able to convience a jury of an altered state.


I’d rather be responsible for my misdeeds, than think I’m an automaton with no free will or agency performing the most heroic act.


If your meds stop working and you come off meds because you lose insight then no. If you are doing ok and decide to come off meds though you know it hasn’t worked out well for you before on more than one occasion then the answer is more likely to be yes.


I’d say it depends on your anosognosia.
If you truly believe you’re fine and the meds are hurting you, no.
If you’re like me and know you need the meds, yes.


most of the times I’m responsible off meds. I’ve acted out a couple times but nothing serious. idle time with nothing productive to do was more to blame for my actions, than being off meds.

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All insight goes out the window if I go off my meds. It’s like I black out or something. I become unaware of what I do.

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Well, if you do something when you’re drunk, the law is not sympathetic because you made the decision to get drunk and what followed was a predictable outcome. If it can be demonstrated in court that you know you can’t go off meds…




Yes definitely, we are responsible for our actions if we decide to go off of meds.


Didn’t vote, but we are responsible for every breath we take, it’s all upon our souls/hearts/whatever.
You can put it this way: subconsciously we are guilty as ■■■■. You can plead innocent on the court, but you can’t run from yourself.


Because i dont medicate i always take full responsibility for my actions. I might explain hey it’s because of my condition that X happened but I always apologize and take measures to correct it


When I got arrested at 20 my defense was I stopped my meds. This was before I had insight into my illness or anything. I think I was deserving of what happened…100 hours of community service, fines, hundreds of hours of rehabilitation/classes. As an alternative incarceration. Ps I was arrested for a psychotic episode.

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If when I drove my car through psychosis…if I had hit and hurt someone. What would have happened? I don’t know. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about this


I’ve done some crazy things when I was off my medications that I wouldn’t have done if I was on them. I do think I am responsible for taking them. It’s very easy for me to start to see the med’s as punishment and not as therapy though. My former AA sponsor once talked about “Not being on the beam, and not knowing you’re not on the beam, because you’re not on the beam.” They way it always seemed to me like I was on the beam and everyone else is trying to push me off. In Narcotics Anonymous they say, “You’re not responsible for the disease, but you are responsible for the cure.”


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