my building which i think ive lived for about 6 years. The tenant above me is making a lot of non stop noise, loud thrashes and what sometimes sounds like dropping pens or nickles or something and pushing furnature around. It started roughly the beginning of last summer. Up until then i would speak freely in my apartment on the phone to people. Laugh,
Cook, just live life. This is such a mess i dont even know how to explain it. It feels like its on purpose tbh. The noises are always right above me. After i make a noise like cough or use the sink. Sometimes it even feels like its every time i try to do something productive or make a meal even shower. By all means this could sound like im delusional or in psychosis. But i have used a sound recorder and the sounds are real. I was really starting to question my own sanity and still am. I know she is a tenant of the same progam i am in for housing and my best possible idea is that shes in extreme psychosis causing all the weird alignments. And maybe she thinks im doing it just to bug her. Which all i am doing is trying to live my life. Anyway the times where i hear nothing for a bit and use the washroom and the toilet in that unit flushes right after mine alarms me and makes my heart race. Also if i turn the shower on for a second and stop it. She turns her shower on right after.
When all this first started the noises would just alarm me and make my heart palpitate. Now its the slow burn of living in these conditions. The housing people have talked to her and its gotten worse everytime i make a complaint. I feel like no one is listening to the scope of this problem. I just dont know how to amend something like this. When i am at my parents house i dont hear these thrashings going on. And if i stay there for a few nights i start to immediately feel better.
I find myself sneaking around in my apartment now. And get sick before i have to spend the night or day in there. Its no longer my safe space. And i am poor and cannot afford to be alone. Meaning hotels or to rent somewhere else.
I am in emails with the program manager and my social worker. But they are not believing me when i say its on purpose. It just started out of the blue one day. And at the same time. I really would like to believe its my own delusions in some way because that is managable.
This is such a mess and i dont see how any of this can be proven.
I feel like she just silently waits in her apt to make noise at anything she hears me do.
I guess i could ask. Has anyone had delusions similar to this. Is it a sensitivity that developed. Can people be that messed up that they could do this. What do you think a good plan of action is? Also any input in any capacity is good. If you think its a delusion or something please lmk.
Do things like this contribute to ill mental health?
Like i am working and trying to live life dispite this but wtf is going on. This whole thing is mentally deteriorating me.
I have similar problems. Some of it is faulty perceptions bordering on delusion but enough of it is real to make my life here miserable. With the guy upstairs, it’s a combination of making irritating sounds so subtle I have to stop and make sure I’m hearing right. I usually am because they’re experts at that. The rest of the time it’s just flat out intimidation.
He gets mad at anything he deems out of the ordinary which could be me dropping a bowl or something like me maybe making an awkward movement. He stays in his apartment all day except to smoke out back. He threatens me but I guess he’s afraid to do anything else except in two years there I’ve seen him go to the store three times.
But yeah, with the games he plays he’s definitely been in jail and some kind of psychiatric facility. When I used to walk around my apartment he would be above me in his apartment following me room to room. The short answer is ‘yes’, there are people who are actually screwed up enough to do stuff like what our neighbors do. Especially if they feel like they are winning and getting the desired reaction they want. Delusional? Maybe, but so are they.
I don’t do anything to that guy, it’s just him bugging me. I’m sorry you have to go through that, I know it sucks in your own apartment. I don’t want this to be seen as encouraging delusions but I’ve had good neighbors and bad neighbors and these are bad neighbors. And maybe this abuse we go through may start off innocently or through misunderstanding or start off as just being delusional but it soon morphs into real abuse.
Personally, I’m sick of hearing people chalking it off to just being annoying. Deliberately messing with someone in their own apartment is more than annoying. I can handle hearing music playing and ordinary walking. What I can’t handle is people laughing, or grunting or coughing in a deliberate manner or people invading my space by listening to me in my apartment.
I understand the slow burn. It infuriates me too. And I just got finished staying three days by myself in my sisters house while she was in another state on vacation and didn’t experience any of this there except the old guy next door made some noise in his garden outside a window.
Thanks so much nick. It makes me feel not alone to hear this. You description of whats happening makes it more clear. Its both delusion and real. People are capable. And its just almost impossible to know forsure or prove. And that it, what i also felt between me and my neighbour started out as a small misunderstanding morphed into something else. Possibly real abuse. Its such a fringe territory. Ao hard to cross reference to anything. Bottom line is i have no base line to compare any of it to. And i no longer feel safe in this space. So many complex factors are in place.
I have run through so many factors in my mind about whats taking place. But its always a frayed end or the idea changes. Its a shame it hits so close to home.
Im going to talk to my doc about more meds. Perhaps it can ease the obsession and possibly push those noises and my sensitivity into the background.
Its funny this problem could be completely solved by money. A secluded house or a hotel room in a thick walled building.
Thats how i think this program was supposed to be. People with mh scattered throughout the town. But for some reason this building is a mh slum. Definately drug usage here and atleast 75 percent of the building has mh
I’m blessed in that I live in a very nice, quiet part of town in a nice apartment complex, with security doors on each building.
And I suppose I can consider myself to be both blessed and cursed with very poor hearing. I only very rarely hear my neighbors. I can’t hear a thing. And no dogs are allowed here, thank gosh.
I didn’t read all of the long posts but sometimes I think that there are speakers planted all over my house talking to me. There is a commercial building close that makes some noise once in a while. My neighbors aren’t noisy. I just have to listen to my parents telling me to rake and mow more often.