Does anyone walk slow since developing schizophrenia

Since developing schizophrenia I walk really slow. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve put on weight or the condition. Anyone else get the same?

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Huh. I walk slow but thought it might be weight and arthritis. Have been a lot slower than before my worst psychotic break last year.

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I walk like im on cocaine and have a lot of anxiety. But i have neither going on, im just weird.

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I walk like I’m drunk according to my stepdaughter but not slowly(though a little slower as I’ve got older).

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No. But I used to walk fast and now walk normal. In highschool my friends couldn’t keep up with me. Now I don’t know I don’t walk with people.

Yesss! I walk slow especially when I’m out of the house.

It could be a combination of the illness, the meds, being over weight and age.

I don’t know.

It’s not only my walking but my general movement.

Yeah I don’t know if it’s my mental illness or being overweight.

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And I eat really fast

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I feel that my body is so heavy!

Mine to. Just weighted myself though and lost a few pounds.

Yea i definately walk slower now im trying to change a few things by getting on the treadmill like my weight,pace of walking, etc

Now that I think about it yes I do walk more slowly. :thinking:

Found this in google books -"walking+slowly"+"schizophrenia"&source=bl&ots=24HvCX45jN&sig=Z1-ydZz1jxIvevlqvRey4vskJB8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi42Jvt7vvcAhXoIcAKHUTrCI4Q6AEwAnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q="walking%20slowly"%20"schizophrenia"&f=false

I walk slowly. I’m losing weight but am still heavy though

I only walk slow when I’m going thru a depression. When I hear voices or get agitated I pace and walk fast.

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