Does anyone know

That you use this site?

My mom knows and so does my husband… I also told one of my friends who has bipolar with psychosis that I was on here. When my dad found out he was NOT happy, he doesn’t think I should be talking to strangers on the internet😂 (feels like I’m in high school lol)

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No, nobody knows I’m here …

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My parents know. I don’t really care who knows though.


Not exactly. I have told that I participate in a forum, but not which one.


My bf knows. He’s not against me being here. If it helps…

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My mom, my husband, and my best friend know

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No, nobody knows although I did have a dream that my sibling saw me on this site. Yikes.

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I just said that I am on a sz forum to my psychiatrist, family and my best friend.


Yeah, I didn’t specify the forum either… I just said a forum for schizophrenia


Nobody knows I am here. :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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I know. Bwahahahaah


Lol. You got me. :wolf::wolf::wolf:

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The closest I got to telling someone that I’m on this forum is me telling one of my therapists that I’m on a forum and that was an accidental slip of the tongue. Was meant to say on a website. Not forum. Or maybe that wasn’t accidental not so sure now.

Both my sisters know. They never really told me their opinion of it but they don’t seem negative about it.

I am lucky to have a sz friendly friend lol We have twin friends who were very smart studying civil engineering in university. These twin brothers got sz around the same age. Sz destroyed them, they’re too dumb now, much more than me. They pee and throw garbage in their backyard, never take a bath or shower. We now call them gorillas lol

They talk to walls, punch walls, beat each other, talk to mirrors and to their feet and hands etc

They also freeze a lot. I think they’re treatment resistant. My other friends say they’re a lost case.

I am lucky compared to them.

Isn’t it weird talking to a bunch of crazy people online :joy:

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I think it’s awesome, talking to a bunch of people with the same understanding as me about this condition :smirk:, mainly because I have so much time to spare.


My husband, my therapist, and a friend. I don’t hide it. Not ashamed of y’all.