There’s a person on Reddit who sprays a CBD oil under her tongue three times, 3x a day (9 sprays total), which makes her voices stop. Does anyone here do something similar?
You’ll find most don’t due to high price of CBD. The research is very promising. Showing it can work at least as good as other antipsychotics at a high enough dose. Which is 600 mg to 1200 mg. The price could be easily 60 dollars a day, which isn’t covered by any insurance to date. What surprises me is that person says she is taking 3 drops of 1.5 mg or so. I wonder if that person takes other medication too
I read about research claiming a therapeutic dose has to be above 1 gram, but people are claiming antipsychotic properties from doses as low as 9 mg.
@jeroenp have tried cbd oil so far…!!!
I don’t take CBD for psychosis. But I take 15 mg of CBD oil every day for arthritis pain all over my body and for generalized anxiety. It works very well. It costs me about $71 for a three month supply.
******** responded to my question about what else she was taking, here’s the response:
“None. I used to take Prozac for PTSD however it made psychotic symptoms worse and I could never get above 20mg which basically did nothing for me anyhow. I also was prescribed Klonopin which became a living nightmare. So now it’s just 60-80 mg CBD a day. More or less as needed. It’s been the best thing and has really made me more functional.”
It sounds like she recently went on cbd after being on nothing. I don’t know if she had been hospitalized during those periods but if she wasn’t, her symptoms might not be so severe so that a smaller amount really treats her effectively.
I asked her how long she has been taking it, and whether she’s developing a tolerance, and she responded:
“No tolerance that I’ve noticed, it’s been almost 3 years. It’s a lot different than THC. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is the brand/producer and the method if how I take it.”
Pleaae Ask her what was her longest without meds before a hospitalization . I’m very curious
She didn’t reply, I’ll check again tomorrow. There’s a chance she found it too personal though.
I hope not. Remind her a person with MI asked who hasn’t lasted longer than a month off medication. Which is me of course
She replied:
“I have never been hospitalized, I would make it known I am not diagnosed with schizophrenia, so I can not tell you how well it would work for someone who is. I am diagnosed with PTSD with psychotic features. I was only on SSRIS for 2 years, and benzodiazapines for 1 year. Both resulted in terrible side effects and therefore I stopped them. Since I have only been on CBD and have been able to effectively manage any psychotic symptoms with it. However it does not do much for flashbacks and intrusive thoughts that come with PTSD.”
Good to know. Tell her she could try a higher dose since there is studies showing cbd can help anxiety conditions and Cbd is very safe. Although it does get expensive. And that it is NOT a doctor’s opinion
I had a lot of luck with the CBD oil, the drops. it made me calm, less paranoid, and all together mellowed the voices and hallucinations. I’d recommend it to anyone for anxiety, depression too. It is pricey though and have to be careful, as a lot are complete rip offs and mislabeled, have next to no CBD content. But if you get the good stuff it’s incredible.
I just got my CBD oil, and after about 16 mg taken my voices are very quiet. One said “he’s kicking us out”, and that’s about all I heard. The voices sound more like half-words and very faint, unintelligible whispers.
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