Does anyone here program for a living?

I’m wondering if any fellow SZ sufferers is holding down a programming job, and how he/she is managing.

I’m on the fence about learning Python and related languages, to eventually do contract work via, to make $12k a year (just under the amount I can make without having disability payments deducted.)

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I used to create websites under contracts. Great money payed for a short time. Problem is, contracts aren’t always available.


I am currently applying for jobs in the IT sector. I’ve worked for almost 7 years before sz, as a software developer. I know about upwork - it’s difficult to break the ice there, because customers generally choose people who already have a confirmed portfolio of successful projects.


Ah, good to know. I guess I’ll start with a few months of entry level work, to build my portfolio.

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Nope. But I did create my own website. I even got one page to automatically scroll as an audio file was telling you what you were looking at. I have never seen anyone else do the same. Google even classified this page as a video.

I created the website back when all I had was an antique Intel 486 computer. This computer was so slow that I ended up putting a second 486 motherboard in the same desktop case, and this second one would handle printing functions and thus not slow the primary 486 motherboard down when printing.

I wish I could get some cash programming too.


At the moment I don’t have a job in programming, but I’d like to get one in the future. I’ve decided to learn PHP and MySQL as I had a friend who did this work, and there’s quite a lot of demand for it.

I recently finished writing my own game/app for Android but that hasn’t been a success so I figure I should try working for someone else.

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It’s good that you have a friend doing something similar, makes your likelihood of success greater.

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