My hab1c level is 36 which is considered prediabetic
I’ve got non-insulin dependent diabetes courtesy of Zyprexa. It is well-managed now since I lost a chunk of weight and cleaned up my diet.
Mine is 63 but on good tablets
Currently my fasting blood sugar is normal
Are you still on olanzapine? Im on 5mg
Nope. Told the doctor I’d rather die in a padded room than spend another month on that garbage. A med is no good if it completely destroys the rest of your health while managing voices. Zyprexa gave me explosive weight gain.
It’s the same thing my new pdoc informed !
Its better for me to smoke rather than eating so much of food which is more dangerous.
I had it with both of my psychotic episodes it kinda correlates with me. When I eat unhealthy my mind follows
I might but noone has really told me whether I was prediabetic or not but Im on metformin for my Insulin Levels being high and out of control but my sugars are normal so when people ask me if Im diabetic I would have to say maybe on the borderline of having it
I have pre diabetes and I manage it without metformin by following a low carb diet, along with interminent fasting. And this helps my sz symptoms, especially the voices.
Yeah Zyprexa is definitely well known to cause weight gain.
It’s a good med for reducing sz symptoms but its definitely bad for your physical health.
I do. I’m working on getting myself together. My A1c was 5.7
I’m pretty certain I am
I am borderline Diabetic. It sucks.
I’d say if I don’t lose weight/ change my lifestyle. I will be certainly be diabetic one day. So yeah, kinda.
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