Does anyone else have PTSD?


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Wow yea I think I have it maybe I need to discuss with my pdoc idk she may think I’m being a hyperchondriac,… I’ll check n if I remember update you on here

@anon90843118 it’s a hard thing to live with I suggest talking to him/her about it. The worse that can happen is you get help. One thing that helps my anxiety if it’s not to bad is CBD lip balm but that’s me

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Thanks Twialine,
Hope you are getting the help you need?


@anon90843118 I had to chose between getting my knee fixed so I can be out of physical pain and my mental health… I chose my knee :frowning:

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PTSD yes and its an official diagnosis and I think maybe my ‘schizophrenia’ is really severe PTSD Peace


@Dreamer Got it. I checked it out and there are a lot of therapists who specialize in dissociative disorders. ( you can search any location you told me) Try to google Charleston South Carolina dissociative disorder therapists and choose psychology today’s link. Once you pull up that list, on the top right you’ll see a link to refine results. Chose your health insurance and you’ll get the list that takes your insurance as well. If you need me to help you do it I can.


Thank you very much.

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