Does anyone else have PTSD?

Does anyone else have PTSD and schizophrenia… I feel really alone right now


Having all these delusions I’ve had I think can give you PTSD. I’m pretty sure I have it but they never gave more than one diagnosis.

I have the spooks from a 5 month solitary stint without medication three years ago. I try not to think about it and I don’t think it bothers me. Sometimes I have claustrophobic panic and have to go into another room, that’s probably from solitary.

If a person is easily stressed out by anything is that PTSD?

@agent101g I’m sorry
@anon57786250 no PTSD is caused by trama of some type such as war or an abusive relationship

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@BrianTex what are your worst symptom? Mine is the extreme panic attack that happened on the 4th during a firework show

Yes I have both. :microbe::microbe::microbe:

@GrayBear sucks doesn’t it

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I had repressed memories (or delusions as my doc calls them) come back which were traumatic.
I think I might have PTSD

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@Drug-Slug that sucks I’m sorry

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Yes. That is a nice way to put it. :t_rex::t_rex::t_rex:

@GrayBear true true

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I have both. I’ve had PTSD longer, though.

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@LED I’m sorry it sucks


Thanks. Therapy has helped a lot. The PTSD is almost, ALMOST, gone. I’m handling it really well lately.


I’ve had all the symptoms at their worst. But, just having these religious or paranormal delusions and feeling like I can’t talk about them is hard. A lot of wierd stuff happens thats quite scarey, and then I can’t speak about it because my mind wasn’t so good or I fear what will happen if I mention some of it. I’ve never been that open about what all goes on with me generally speaking though. It’s all stuff that just happens to me now, and I rarely if ever talk about it.

I have both Schizoaffective and PTSD

My PTSD is from chronic physical emotional and sexual abuse as a child.

I also have DID because of that.

Youre not alone I know its hard

Is denial a good or a bad thing when it comes to PTSD? Like can it affect you if you never consciously think about the traumatic event?

Since I went on prozac the traumatic ■■■■ doesn’t bounce around in my head as much.

I don’t know but thats exactly what I do

@agent101g @Drug-Slug
It actually can affect you even if you don’t think about it because it’s always there you’re forced to remember