Does anybody get support with financial issues by your parents or other family members

Does anybody do this?

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My brother will wire me the odd £100 when my bills due the day before payday. And i do the same for him. Were with the same bank so it takes minutes.

I paid his car insurance last week - cos he was on holiday, and dont get paid for them. Swings and Roundabouts.

I dont lend to outside family anymore tho. Too many people took the piss.


I live with my parents due to my genetic disorder.

I used to be self-sufficient but I quit my job to study.

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I hate it when people want me to loan them money, and I know they will not pay me back. I hate loaning money period.


I am able to loan a small credit, when its tough. From a creditcompany. It not cheap, but it helps.

My husband is my social security payee. He controls the money

My husband gives me money the week of 4 where I don’t get social security
He will also contribute to mutual stuff and pays bills
My mum doesn’t give me money now, she’s going through a very very broke phase

My husband supports me financially.
Once I divorce him (as I plan to do) my sister and maybe my brothers will assist, but mostly I’d get disability pension and maybe a job I can work from home. Also my husband might give me some money to help out after divorce.

I am crushing my biological mother’s neck with my useless body. I used to be more than self-sufficient. It drives me crazy that I can neither suicide (three hangings failed, no skyscrapers either) nor overcome my schizophrenia.

The most painful notions is that the woman is schizophrenic too! But she has enough cursed stamina to put up with her office job. When she comes home, she complains about how frustrating the job is, after telling me all her delusions. The content of her delusions didn’t change for the past, what, seven years? Fifteen, or even fourty, depending what you count as delusions.

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Same for me, I nearly died from suicide twice but now I don’t bcz my parents cry when I do it. At least we can make our family happy.

My step-dad gave me a $100 a month for a few years. It stopped about 6 months ago. When I used to do things with my family reguarly, I often got treated.

When we would go out to dinner at a restaurant my sisters and parents usually paid. I paid occasionally when I could, but my whole family does things together and they don’t want me to miss out because I don’t have any money. They have bought me clothes and other things. My dad paid for my plane ticket when we flew to W. Virginia and back.

I’ve been treated a lot. Several years ago I came into some money and I was able to repay the favor a little by buying three tickets to a Sheryl Crow concert for me and my two sisters. We had great seats and it cost over $300 but it was a mere drop in the bucket compared to what they’ve done for me. Just a couple days ago I took my sister out to dinner at a pretty nice restaurant and I paid for everything. It felt good.

I pay my rent and food and gas for my car and all my bills with what I get from SSDI and my part-time job.

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