Does any one else feel like a burden

am i the only one that feels like a burden on my family. i know half of it is the voices but the other half is that i dont want my family to have to worry about me and they should go on with their lives but they won’t, they always say that i am not a burden but that does not change the way i feel.


I feel like a total burden, I should really earn money already.


I always feel like a burden. I’m 23, I shouldn’t need so much help.


I was once where you are at now, feeling as though I just took up space in my family’s home and not contributing anything. (just a suggestion): to unburden yourself, try setting some obtainable goals. a few ideas: work on finding a job, volunteering somewhere, starting a new hobby, getting in shape, eating healthier, creating a weblog. all of these require a certain amount of effort and depending on the severity of your illness, some may be more doable than others. they say the first step is often the toughest but you gotta do it.


All the time. Flipside is it makes me real lonely at times. Never wanna bother anyone.


I’m a burden on everyone. I wish my mind would leave me alone. Hopelessness I don’t know what’s wrong anymore.


I feel like that too a lot of the time. Am usually around here, you can always talk to me if you don’t want to bother anyone :heart:


Hi bumpy how Are you

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I am sorry @roxanna and @KittieKaye .

You are magnificent people, I love you dearly, hold on and there will be a cure :heart:
And you can prepare yourself for what you want to do after there is a cure, or at least try to think about that.


I get most of my subsistence from the state these days, so I do feel like a small burden on the state, but it’s not like I am living in luxury. I also get a lot of support from my brother and my sister, but I don’t think they resent it.

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My family is in a so bad shape that even my small help is very important.


Okay. Not the best week maybe, but not the worst. How are you feeling now?

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Thank you for the kind words. Means a lot :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been struggling with that feeling for a long time. Things look promising that maybe I will be able to financially support myself in two years but my mom was giving me a hard time about not paying rent one time. It’s not like she didn’t know I have schizophrenia she even has it too but I guess she doesn’t care. Everyone else has been kind and understanding about it though.

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I’m having suicidal thoughts. My husband wants to lock me up for good so I’m not a burden anymore. I’m sad


I’m 36 now and still a burden… I’ve tried so many times to get out of a rut, but it was always ends in a failure.

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I may be a burden but I am fairly certain my internal voice is comin from the person I think it is. It’s their deadweight on my life that’s pulling me down.

I"m reducing my meds so i finally have motivation and energy to help around the house. i’m continuing being a reseller. sometimes i feel like a burden when my dad drives me to the doctor and has to wait hours for me,… he shouldnt be doing that at 70 yrs old… no public transportation other than expensive motorcycle taxi which i caant afford.

Yes, I do feel burden when I get very ill. But not all the time, as I do my best I can. You should say to your family that I’m working on my life as well as I can. They’ll understand.

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