Doctors records

i would like to see my doctors records because i want to see how i have progressed, my doctor told me that i am on the third volume and he showed me one and it was pretty thick about 3inches

i’m not looking for flaws or inaccuracies i just want to look at the positives over the last 5 years or so, maybe a bit further back too when my first doc saw me as well, because i am curious, they know me better than i do so it would be good to know what has been said, things i could try and improve on etc…

i think its a good idea but another part of me is saying ‘no’ ‘dont go there’ ‘its a can of worms’ ‘pandoras box’, lol, i try and ignore that guy but it is hard.

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i got funny about a diagnoses…from my therapist…even though she does not officially diagnose me !?!
but i am in a strange :tophat: funny mood at the moment.
my point being you know what you are…that is what is important. :blush:
if they said to me i have ’ pink elephant disease ’ :elephant: …i don’t care anymore.
know someone cares :heart:
take care :alien:

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think i was lucky that way because i just sort of accepted or acknowledged it straight away and i always just went along with it and never complained or questioned it,

the little fight i had left in me was quashed when i was forced on to AP meds (kind of glad they did it now)

i always knew there was something wrong with me anyway though and i did want to get help


that shows you are wise daydreamer… :heart:
take care :alien: