Like do they just say random nonsense or do they have a conversation, or motive that is carried out? Mine have a dialogue.
they keep commenting in everything i do
sometime they silent thanks to medications
From personal experience and from reading other peoples’, internal voices seem to be sentient and able to maintain a dialogue where external voices seem to be more random and nonsensical or repetitive, thus you can’t really hold a dialogue.
Dude my external voices, which are also actual people are speaking out loud, and they are doing it in parallel to my actions. It’s freaking me out
I noticed during my sleep paralysis sometimes I’d think something and the audible voices would repeat this out loud. Wasn’t always an actual thought, like for example I’d gasp mentally and then a voice would gasp externally and hold that gasping sound. Very creepy especially if it was multiple voices at once.
I found remaining calm and reminding myself it was simply a hallucination made this stop, or at least change to a neutral and harmless sound like a pencil writing on paper or a soft beeping.
I never get into a dialogue with voices nothing to talk about, and I don’t feel comfortable to, only like the nice voices though
Some have dialog others spew nonsense
Yes they talk to each other.i got called a bitch but that wasn’t real.
My external voices don’t address me at all. Mostly it’s babbling I can’t make out, like the voices in a psychedelic song.
Mine have a dialogue but sometimes they mumble. The dialogue is telling me that there’s a battle between good and evil over humanity and that evil is winning in the form of a society who runs everything. Either that or they comment on my thoughts or just say random stuff that doesn’t always make sense but I can understand it. Like it isn’t incoherent, just random. They are also responsible for my intrusive thoughts. Sometimes they comment on random thoughts. For instance, I was thinking about trying to fly just now and one asked if I think I can fly.
My voices converse about everything i do. As if my life is some boring tv show they are some how fascinated with. They follow me everywhere commenting on what i do, say, or read- ans insulting it too.Then they argue about me. They always argue.
One of my voices reads everything i read or write. It is all so annoying! Like honestly i do not know how i get anything done.
I have both DID and SZ like @Noise sometimes I hear my alters arguing with my auditory hallucinations telling them to shut up and leave me alone.
My voices that aren’t my alters usually just ramble on and on about negative stuff and sometimes they just go on about just the most random out there subjects it’s really weird, it’s like they’re either really mean or just… I don’t even know.
Hard to explain haha…
I have mostly internal voices, and they carry on conversations 24/7. Regardless of when, where, or what I’m doing.
I have a male and female voice that have been with me for almost 20 years now, and they pretend to be my neighbors in the apartment next door, talking about me and what I’m doing, and how can I afford to live, and do I ever work? (I do)
This has been going on for almost 20 years with this alpha male and alpha female talking about my life and doing a running commentary. When I feel brave, I can interact with them, but eventually they get bored with me and start talking to each other again.
The female voice, when I try to talk to her, she will go “Blah blah blah blah blah” and get all nasty, no matter how much self work I have done. The male voice is a little nicer to me, but it took over 10 years to get him to stop insulting me all the time.
There are other voices too, and the external voices I have are just usually gibberish, but randomly I’ll hear someone call my name when no one is there.
My alters also do this! Sometimes I am just like “aw they love me” other times I’m just like “can you all shut up before I get a head ache”
But either way I’m glad they stand up for me.
My non alter voices are really random some just go on about how I should kill myself others talk about pretty flowers and such. Some are just radio static and mumbling and jumbled gibberish
Mine are incoherent. At least, if the female voice isn’t, I can’t hear her over the male voice (oddly enough, it’s very similar to when two people are trying to talk to me at once irl. I can’t tune in to either, so it just all sounds like a mess).
Mine do both. It can be confusing and obnoxious either way
Both random stuff and conversations…
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