Do your parents have mental issues? Is it genetic?

I was just wondering because I have read that schizophrenics are as likely to have normal children as much as someone without mental issues. It has lead me to believe I will be able to have a child in the next 10 years or so that can grow up normally. What has your experience showed?
Thank you

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it a kind of genetic…
my father has sz


My granddad had schiz
I got schiz
My brother and sister have no mental illness
My sister went through an anxiety phase but not much they both have partners and healthy kids

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Thanks for your feedback. I am one of 4 kids and the only one with a mental disorder.

My father had bipolar disorder, I have schizoaffective disorder. My sisters are neurotypical.

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My mother also has sz, not sure which type.

i can’t remember the stats but there are certain percentages of whether a child might become mentally ill and i think it is more likely if both parents are affected

That makes sense. I would almost have to pair with someone who is really normal. I act and appear and feel normal but have this mostly secret disorder looming in the background… I definitely would not put a kid through both parents having issues…


i’m hoping to have children some day as well


Dad has mental issues. Granddad was apparently worse. Donno if it’s the same ones I have though, since I have depression w psychotic features and they may just have depression. Or something else involving barely controlled rage. Either way they can be very angry scary people. (Never seen my granddad act that way, only heard)

Both undiagnosed as there’s a stigma against mental anything in that side of the family.

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You can’t really control what happens to your grandkids as much because there is a chance your kids would have a baby with someone who has an issue…even if your kid does not have any issue. Just like we can’t really choose our genetic make up or know what our grandparents had/didn’t have. My whole dads side is in the clear as far back as 4 or 5 generations but my moms parents were both alcoholic and pill poppers. We don’t know if either of them had an illness.

Mental Illness runs heavily on both sides of my Family.

My mother suffers from Depression and Panic Disorder, Anxiety.

My brother suffers from Depression and Anxiety.

My father suffers from mood swings, Anxiety, possibly ADHD etc…

My Grand father was probably Bipolar - My Mom has an Aunt who suffered from severe Psychosis, probably had Bipolar or Schizophrenia/SZA.

I have Bipolar/Schizoaffective disorder

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It runs heavily in my family. We’ve had schizophrenia and mood disorders, along with trauma and personality disorders, and substance abuse, all over the tree. I wouldn’t be surprised if even my seemingly perfect brother is going to wind up having something in the end because he doesn’t sleep for more than a couple hours per night for weeks at a time but insists it’s no big deal. I bite my tongue as he’s a proud and stubborn one like me, I know, but in my mind I’m just like yeeaahhp.

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Mental illness does not run in my family. I put my schizophrenia down to smoking cannabis. If I had kids which at the moment looks highly unlikely I think they would be fine although there is a strong chance they would end up ill like me if they took drugs.

There are schizophrenia and autism in my family. I have both. Schizophrenia has skipped about 95% of us, guess I’m just lucky. (Cough.)

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Here are the stats on having children as well as when other relatives have sz:
Although this proves that sz is not entirely genetic, there is definitely a genetic factor.

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my son who is only 18 is having symptoms and did 9 days in psych hospital…never has been on a med in his life is now dealing with this…doc told me it was from smoking cannabis. Since no history in family.

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You don’t have to have a family history to have it of course. 1% of the population develop sz from standard genetic error(partially) with no history of sz or anything like it in the family.

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Well whatever you do, don’t let your son believe such shaming nonsense. Millions of people smoke weed and don’t develop schizophrenia. Weed doesn’t cause schizophrenia. Weed can exacerbate certain mental illness symptoms including psychosis, so he shouldn’t smoke it anymore, but it didn’t cause his schizophrenia. Shame on the doctor for trying to make your son feel like it’s his fault that he developed SZ.


My family is just nutty. Does that count? On a serious note my mom got layed off and has been spending like crazy. It seems like bipolar but I don’t know. I actually did the same thing and lost almost everything so I’m concerned. My uncle is bipolar. I have a daughter, but so far she hasn’t displayed any symptoms. I also wasn’t diagnosed with anything when I had her.

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